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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • That doesn’t change the fact that you might just have a game where you get shafted and have to pay to get meaningful fast travel going. i’m pretty sure that wasn’t the case in dd1

    No, it was so much worse in 1. There was no cart system to travel to cities. I think there was a static port crystal in the main city and that’s it. The consumable to use it was also too bad to make good use of the system. It’s so bad that enhanced edition (Dragons Dogma: Dark Arizen) , which I think is the only version available today, added an additional static port crystal and gave the players an unlimited use teleport consumable. Players were absolutely “shafted”, but it was a design decision, not a business one. The fact it still works the same to me says it’s still a design decision, but the business side wanted to sell players a way to subvert the designed intent.

    and that they hid the MTX in the review copys they sent out and activated their garbage when they started selling it shows that they know that it’s not acceptable and that their reviews would have suffered quite a bit.

    Yep, this is super fucked up. This is one of the huge things that should be being critiqued. People critiquing made up issues ensure people just think it’s all made up when they discover the reality of the situation.

    also, delivering a single player game as always online,

    I believe I’ve read you can play offline. The people talking about saves being backed up are confusing it with Steam Cloud, not something the game is doing. Steam Cloud can be enabled or disabled regardless of it you’re online in game. I’m not sure about this, because I haven’t played the game and probably won’t for a while, but I’m relaying what I’ve read.


    Denuvo Antitamper AND Anti-Cheat (so you can’t circumvent the MTX-crap) simply doesn’t fly in a post-Baldurs Gate 3 Era.

    It “didn’t fly” long before BG3. It still happens anyway, because the suits don’t get it. They see it as ensuring sales, not harming sales.

  • I’m certain there are more than two. I’ve played the first game and they’re rare, and you actually have to find them, but I think there’s about five or so. You may not find all of them, but that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. The fact that the first game functions like this without the ability to purchase them screams intent, and that intent was not for it to be sold. That was something forced on them by the business side.

    If you want to argue the limitation is only about selling them, you must explain the existence of the same mechanic in the first game.

    Edit: It looks like both games have a hard limit of 10 at any time. Once you hit that cap there’s no need for more. With this consideration, it really doesn’t seem like a great way to try to force MTX to happen. If they really wanted to do that it would be a different item without a limit. The fact there’s a limit means once you reach 10 any extra are wasted, and it appears that they may be purchasable in game in 2, and I’m confident you can find many as well.

    Since when do we trust game journalists to get things right all of a sudden? Then saying they found 2 shouldn’t be an indication of anything, other than them finding 2 and certainly missing more.

  • They do have fast travel for free. It’s the same as the first game. You can get the fast travel crystals in game and the consumable to teleport to them in game. The MTX is just a different option for them. There’s also carts that let you travel in some form, I assume between cities.

    I haven’t played the game yet, but I wish people would stop lying about the MTX. They’re bad enough that we don’t need to make things up like the only way to fast travel being the MTX.

    Edit: Yeah, sure. Downvote my comment without actually saying how it’s wrong (because I only stated factually correct things). I don’t understand you people. You’d rather be lied to so you can hate a thing more than have the truth and dislike it for the real reasons.

  • I’ve never heard of your definition before. It was “review bombing” when Payday 2 added MTX to the game, which I think was one of the early uses of the term even.

    Review bombing is when people organize and get other people to review a game poorly for something they’re opposed to, rather than the product actually being bad as a whole.

    This isn’t to say it isn’t deserved for DD2. I have seen tons of reviews of bad performance and things like that. Also one where someone got stuck in the floor and had to delete their save to be able to play the game again. The MTX stuff mostly sounds overblown from my experience with DD:DA, but it does suck it’s there are all. I can’t tell you if it deserves mostly negative or not because I haven’t played it.

  • I agree, except for some of the bonus puzzles (particularly in 1) requires some out-of-the-box thinking, sometimes literally by breaking out of the puzzle you’re in taking puzzle pieces with you. All the basic puzzles I agree are straightforward, but some of the bonus tings require you to look for extra details that may not be part of the puzzle exactly. I think this is done particularly well in 1, as the story is about thinking for yourself so you have to start thinking about the puzzles in a different way. In 2 most of the bonus things are done exactly the same each level and you just need to figure out how to connect them to other things in the map. Usually they don’t require “breaking” the puzzles to complete, even though this is still possible and allows for other options to solve some puzzles.

  • The action economy is just one example of the improvements of it. There are many. As for range and target types though, yeah I don’t think there’s a good solution to that. You either just have to get rid of it (which I think can and is done with some spells) or deal with the complexity that makes spells more useful only in the right situation.

    As an example of making things simpler with spells, P2E’s Detect Alignment you choose an alignment to detect and can detect it. It comes out of older D&D’s detect good/detect evil which became the generic Detect Good and Evil in 5e which does not actually detect anything with alignment anymore in 5e. Pathfinder 2E generalized it to be more useful and simpler, D&D5e generalized it to be not what it says on the can anymore. It’s really strange what 5e decided to do with so many things. It just makes things not make intuitive sense.

    As for the magic scaling, PF2e is similar. I don’t think you’re going to find many situations where D&D is more balanced than PF2e, at lead with the rules as written.

    I definitely can’t knock it, nor do I have any negative reaction to the systems you’re describing (except for the part where some spells take longer than the actions you have in a single turn…that sounds terrible)

    You can back out of the channeling if you need to. It’s a nice system for really powerful spells requiring a lot more risk and investment. Keep in mind, this applies to enemies as well. If you see them powering up something big, you will have time to try to interrupt them.

    This is a good video for some more information about the three action economy. That channel has tons of other videos about the system too, a lot of which is focused on how it compares to D&D 5e. He has a lot more knowledge than I do, and he probably has a video on every question you have. I highly recommend checking it out if you’re interested.

    Additionally, if you want PF2e content to consume, Tabletop Gold is a podcast using PF2e. I’m just over episode 100 I think and it’s pretty good. They aren’t the most knowledge about the system, most of them haven’t played TTRPGs at all before I don’t think, but it all flows very well, which is a testament to the design.

  • What you describe for Pathfinder doesn’t sound bad at all, but if some things cost multiple actions, that sounds like every bit the type of exception that you make 5e out to be full of.

    The issue in D&D5e is that they are dependent on a bunch of other circumstances. In Pathfinder 2e it’s only dependent on if you have enough actions. It’s clearly listed how many actions anything you can do takes.

    For example, here’s magic missile. The “Cast:” is the action cost. The squares are how many it takes. It can take anywhere between one to all three of your turn. Each action spent is another missile. It doesn’t matter if you’ve already cast a spell that turn or done anything else. As long as you have the actions available you can spend them on anything you want.

    I started playing TTRPGs on Pathfinder 1e, but the vast majority of what I played is D&D5e. I never had too much issue with it, because I never saw a better option, but after seeing how Pathfinder 2e works it’s so much cleaner. Learning about how the action system came to be in 5e it’s pretty clear it wasn’t meant to be the way it is today. Because of that there’s stipulations to almost everything. I didn’t notice the issues until I was made aware of them, then you see them everywhere. For example, the Critical Role cast constantly fuck things up despite having played the game professionally for however many years it’s been now. If the rules were intuitive that wouldn’t happen, at least not as often.

  • I understand Pathfinder to largely be D&D 3.5.

    Pathfinder 1E is essentially an improved D&D 3.5 that came to be the last time the licensing for modules became an issue. 2E is it’s own thing, and a large improvement.

    One if the best changes for Pathfinder 2E is how actions work. D&D 5e has its a weird system of movement, action, bonus action, and then abilities that can add actions, but you can only cast one spell per turn regardless of if you have actions to use, except in some situations, and you can only use actions for some things sometimes, sometimes only once per turn. It’s just filled with exceptions because that’s not the original design intent but it’s tons of patches to make things function halfway decently.

    Pathfinder 2E you have three actions per turn. Those can be used for anything always without exception. Every ability has a cost. For example moving is 1 action and can be done multiple times per turn, which makes things that displace enemies useful as they have to consume actions to get back into melee. Some spells may cost multiple actions, some very large ones can even require channeling multiple actions over several turns. It’s a very simple and intuitive system and you don’t need to remember thousands of exceptions like D&D5e.

    Almost everything in Pathfinder 2E works like this. Things may be more complex to start with (which allows for choice), but you don’t need to remember tons of exceptions, so in total it’s simpler.