I don’t mean like scams or anything like that. I mean what’s the ad that has done the worst job as an advertisement? Instead of making you want to buy the product you wanted to avoid it.

  • GARlactic@lemm.ee
    8 months ago

    Literally any ad. I hate advertising in all forms and it does nothing but piss me off. If your ad is intrusive enough, I’ll remember it well enough to never buy your product.

  • Mr_Blott@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    There was an ad recently on UK TV for some shitty food delivery company,and had a constant loud doorbell sound.

    I emailed the TV channel and said myself and everyone I know have stopped watching their channel because the advert was so obnoxiously irritating.

    They emailed back a month later and said they’d asked the advertiser to redo the advert due to multiple complaints

    We can make a difference if we make an effort!

  • Rylyshar@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Any ad that runs on youtube. Literally. All of them. You have paid for the privilege of ruining my enjoyment of whatever I was trying to see. Eff you and the product you rode in on.

  • rekabis@lemmy.ca
    8 months ago

    The Quiznos ad with the talking chinchillas.

    Most people didn’t even know what those things were. I heard them being called weasels and rats and deep-fried hamsters and even beavers.

    But, no. Photos of chinchillas, with talking human mouths superimposed. Ended up being the most fingernails-on-a-chalkboard commercial I have ever come across. Sure, there have been worse commercials in terms of raw stinkers or stupidity, but this one was by far the most repellant one I have ever personally experienced.

  • smb@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    i disliked an ad in tv before 2000 and decided to not buy the deodorant stick then because of that. like 10 to 15 years later i accidently bought the product- long forgotten that this was the one with that bad ad and actually liked the product and bought it regulary for some time (then remembering how bad that ad was, but okay the product was good actually). that was until they decided to put more plastics into packaging as well as less content into it (same price for package) just to make it more costly for me thus more profitable for them, whilst producing more litter and destroying more resources just for profit. The higher price would not have been too bad, but creating more litter for more profit made me then search a better product. then found a bio product with all natural contents, very few plastic packaging and even less pricy.

    That ad made me NOT buy it. So that was the worst ad i’ve ever seen in two ways: it reduced my willingness to buy their product to far below zero lasting for a decade and i did not even want to try the product that i later found to be actually good, so worst case for the vendor AND the customer.

    However that product later also had the “best” Price raise (by less content) for me ever as that made me search and find the then newly existing even better and more natural, less pricy product of their competitor.

    Maybe good CEOs are rare.

  • nikosey@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    there was an old ad with a kid sitting on a dock fishing, eating a bologna sandwich and singing “my bologna has a first name, its o-s-c-a-r. my bologna has a second name its m-a-y-e-r”…

    nothing wrong with the commercial except it turned out to be an ear worm that would live in my head FOREVER. my brain trots it out at least once a month for no good reason. usually more.

    ive never bought bologna and i’m low key mad at Oscar Mayer so maybe this counts?