What sort of post or comment gets you downvoted the most? Especially if you don’t think it’s bad behavior in the first place, or don’t care. Does not have to be on Lemmy, but we are here… One of the good things about Lemmy IMO is that it’s small enough to see the posts that are unpopular. If you do “Top Day” on most channels, you cash reach the bottom, see what people here don’t like.
As far as comments, attempting to rebut the person who is telling me my post sucks, is what gets me into negative numbers most often. The OP is going to voite it down, of course, and nobody else cares, usually.

  • TheGalacticVoid@lemm.ee
    6 months ago

    Dude, I’m saying the insane polarization and treating people’s opinions as binary is what’s causing gridlock on the federal level and dumb laws on the state level. I am calling Texas’ “constitutional carry” law dumb and the reason for the 2 or 3 major shootings that we’ve had.

    It’s also great how you chose to not at least skim through my argument and instead decided to cherry-pick a sentence or 2 to respond to out of context. You didn’t read the part where I made a distinction between legal and responsible ownership. You illustrated my last point perfectly because you’re so completely blinded by hatred and ignorance of people you’re not even willing to learn about.

    P.S. I’ve never owned a gun and probably never will, so it’s really funny to see you attack me for that.