Best KDR in history folks
Can it properly be said to be one stone once it got through the atmosphere?
I doubt the atmosphere had much chance to break it up much since it was 10-15 km wide. Not like the little Chelyabinsk.
Of course, it’s like my f+#-: kidney stone. If it was just a bunch of chunks from the start I wouldn’t have pissed blood.
eh, seems like a technicality that you could reasonably argue either way
Aka perfect fodder for wasting time on Lemmy.
yuge stone
Best stone
Stroke of genius
I thought it made birds with one stone
In case anyone genuinely has this misconception: birds branched off from the other dinosaurs during the Jurassic, probably over 100 million years before the astroid hit. Dinos didn’t suddenly grow feathers and a beak because a big rock hit them.
It would be cool though, if they did