Note: I might just be uneducated on the subject.

When I read about web3 with blockchains, smart contracts and dapps, all sounds very promising. But once you look for any real world applications it is just some obscure things that kind of only exist to support the decentralized system. I guess that makes sense, but are there any actual real world uses for that? Like day-to-day things that make a persons life easier, not harder?

  • Justinas Dūdė
    6 months ago

    @ex_06 @stabby_cicada

    Oh no.

    Who designs and modifies the chains? Any democracy there? No, not even NGOs, just for-profit tech bros. You can only use their chains by their rules.

    Blockchain looks “decentralised” only at user level. Differently from international DNS, which is much more decentralised in control structure, and provides your own freedom in any technology. Blockchains operate under DNS, so they do not remove their constraints, but only add a layer of control of their own.

      6 months ago

      Well if you and 2 of your friends did it, then voilà you’d have a blockchain with no tech bros and no DNS. It’s an idea, just because it has been executed poorly doesn’t make it bad in every situation