as a Home Depot employee, let it be known: at least in my store: don’t assume dads and moms aren’t LGBTQ+, as there’s plenty of overlap, and everyone seems pretty much at home here. also, as an appliance specialist, i find it amusing that it’s the same-sex couples who are usually only ones who actually enjoy shopping for appliances as the task (shopping for and later using) seems more equitably split between them. although, i have observed, lesbian couples tend to view is as a dull task and gay male couples tend to view it as “shopping,” therefore “fun”.
i automatically give all discernably queer couples a “family” discount that is within my discretion.
seems more equitably split between them. although, i have observed, lesbian couples tend to view is as a dull task
Was a bit surprised until that part. No way my moms shopping would seem like an equitable split between them. Granted, one of my moms is regularly assumed to be a guy (I’ve had my high school’s front office tell me to go to a remote parking lot to see my “dad” before - had fun messing with my teacher by pointing out I don’t have one as I left the classroom). So people might not even notice they are a lesbian couple and many probably assume she’s a dad when with us. Home Depot has always been far closer.
I do my best not to assume, and use gender neutral language, wherever possible. In my experience, same-sex couples are typically quite enthusiastic about telling me about their recent marriage, or even that they are a couple. I find it lovely.