• ObsidianZed@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    There was a Warren Theater within reasonable driving distance that used to have a wait stuff and serve full meals, like good restaurant quality plus cocktails. They stopped during the pandemic and last I knew they never started again.

    After that, meh. We have a theater closer to home that we’ll go to sometimes if there’s a discount night or something we just can’t wait for. Otherwise we wait.

    And I honestly can’t tell if it’s because I’m getting older and less interested or just more cynical towards wasting money like that when I know 100% I’ll be able to watch it later for no additional cost. But I’m being it’s a little of both.

    I do the same with video games anymore. I still love to play a lot when I can but I absolutely cannot justify buying a game new for full price despite seeing all my friends playing it without me. (With the exceedingly rare exception)

    • Sirsirsalot@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      Yeah those full serve theaters are pretty great. The closest one to us is about an hour away, but sometimes we feel like it’s worth the drive.