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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • They conveniently underlined all the bullshit.

    every claim is nonsense or irrelevant.

    For example:

    Highest rate of economic growth (reflecting even more of the wealth being distributed among the Uber wealthy)

    Lowest inflation (not counting housing, healthcare, energy or food)

    Strongest wage growth (maybe in nominal terms if you ignore the actual increase in the cost of essential goods and services putting people behind where they were pre-pandemic)

    Biggest wage gain among lowest paid workers (who still make less than they did before 2019 and somehow overlooking that almost all the gains in the economy since 2019 went to a few specific billionaires)

    Lowest unemployment in x years ( they just keep redefining unemployment so that instead of it meaning ‘people who can’t find enough gainful employment to pay essential bills’, we limit it to people that have no job right now but did in the last six months and have made x number of applications while not collecting any income. It’s a damn joke)

    They say “accounting for inflation” but then you have to remember their definition of inflation does not count housing, healthcare, energy or food so it’s nonsense anyway.

    The wealth gap is wider now than 2018. I don’t even know where this claim that people are better off or the wealth gap is shrinking comes from… oh they got a 6% raise and inflation in sensible terms (not even counting housing and healthcare but including energy and food) is close to 9%.

    And the black unemployment rate much like the unemployment rate itself is a cooked number that ignores most of the people that are black and unemployed/underemployed. It just doesn’t give a shit if you can eat, have a place to live or can afford to go to the doctor, it just cares if you have a job right now or if you recently did and are still looking.

    I am on my phone so I haven’t had a chance to look up the disability unemployment claim, but as someone that lives with and supports people with disabilities, this might actually be real. Remote work is a real social revolution and it is making lives better.

    My point is, as long as articles like this used continue to use cooked books to justify rose tinted viewings they will continue to think Americans are just ungrateful and ignorant of how great things are.

    Dishonest stuff like this undermines the credibility of revenue driven media and leads to blurring the lines between a community getting high on hopium and Trump’s firehose of bullshit.

  • It’s a 2-hour long dialogue between Bond (played by Wallace Shawn) and a villainous billionaire media mogul Fryston Gallibre (played by Peter Capaldi) who is trying to collapse western democracy through ever more bland homogenized remakes of beloved franchises.

    In the end, Fryston realizes that Bond has never seen any of these movies or shows and isn’t really a fanboy of anything so he is immune to this assault on culture. Bond actually leaves confused and when trying to explain the whole thing back at the office he stops mid-sentence and asks the widowed Mrs. Money Penny (Judi Dench) If she’d like to go see a movie together, “apparently they’re quite popular!”

  • I don’t believe that the state has the right to make examples out of people, unless those people took an oath to the state and used that power to abuse people. Then, the state is obligated to do it.

    Example making is a confession of impotence. It’s a way of highlighting the fact that you have up until now failed to do what you are supposed to be doing and would like to draw attention to a specific incident where you actually follow through on your responsibilities.

    To put it another way, I think you must make examples out of people who abuse power you give them because it’s your fault and theirs that this happened. So they have earned being made into an example and you are obligated to make one. You must confess your impotence if you are in power.

    Anything less than that is cowardice and corruption.

    If you have a problem with the way that police are treated in prison then you have a problem with the way that prisons let people get treated. Under no circumstances should a police officer get special treatment at any step along the way unless that’s to make it harsher and more punitive.

  • Using cloudflare is more reliable than using your own stuff which is still an option that nobody chooses anymore because it’s better to choose cloudflare or something similar.

    I’m going to go ahead and assume you don’t work with internet security in any way, have no experience in web development, and have never attempted to provide web application services to more people than you can count on your fingers, but if you had, cloudflare is mana from heaven.