• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • From the article summary in this same thread:

    “polls showed Republicans overwhelmingly opposed Proposition 1.”

    What Yes means:

    A YES vote on this measure means: Counties would need to change some of the mental health care and drug or alcohol treatment services provided currently to focus more on housing and personalized support services. The state could borrow up to $6.4 billion to build (1) more places where people could get mental health care and drug or alcohol treatment and (2) more housing for people with mental health, drug, or alcohol challenges.

    A NO vote on this measure means: Counties would not need to change the mental health care and drug or alcohol treatment services provided currently. The state could not borrow up to $6.4 billion to build more places where people could get mental health care and drug or alcohol treatment and more housing for people with mental health, drug, or alcohol challenges.

    I’m confused as to how you arrived at your conclusion. Can you clarify?

  • I’m not missing the point. Others are missing the reality: Biden won’t create a government that allows him to get away with it. Trump almost has.

    As a practical matter, impunity works only for those who lack virtue or are willing to become the baddies out of necessity.

    We can talk principles all we want. And if we do, we continue to miss the fact that Dems tend to abide laws, conventions and principles. Republicans don’t. They have the will to rule regardless of what gets trampled on the way.

    People are fantasizing about how silly it is. It is one of the few checks that remained enforced when Trump was in office - separation of powers.

    This isn’t diverting or silly. We just look naive.

    I doubt SCOTUS would botch this, but if they do it only advantages the willing.

  • The President isn’t part of the judicial branch. He makes appointments that get approved… But he’s not part of that process.

    He has some political clout, but what you describe is exactly what we fear Trump will do if he’s able to fill all the slots with minions (who should know better but may break conventions and laws regardless).

    It isn’t done. Even for actual crimes it goes through the judicial side.

    Y’all are saying Biden should break the law and do the very same, chilling thing Trump hopes to. The balance of powers is critical to our system. It’s in need of repair, but what’s being banded about would be a major breach.