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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Pick one argument you made that you think is the best, and I’ll show you why it’s erroneous.

    And no, I wouldn’t want to wait. I’ve been the woman in this scenario. I was three months pregnant when my husband physically attacked me. You need a swift legal end. It’s easy to write a divorce agreement that deals with situations that don’t yet exist. Most every single one deals with at least a few. (When the house sells, at retirement age, when taxes are due, etc.) Why not when a baby is born?

    Until that line is signed by a judge, men like my husband continue to drag you back because they think they own you under the law.

    Your arguments sound great to anyone who hasn’t actually been in that situation. But every one of them can be addressed without forcing a woman to stay married to her abuser.

  • The mundane nature of the offense actually makes it more terrifying. My final night of marriage, he raged because I was too morning sick to go out as planned and leave the house to him. It didn’t stop him from doing what he wanted, I was just going to go to bed after feeding my toddler.

    It’s so mundane an offense, that you feel stupid telling anyone. Even having lived through it, sometimes I have a hard time believing it.

    One time he almost drove us off the freeway because I knew more about genetics than he did. I had a degree relating to the field and he had once watched a documentary on it.

    And he raged because I hung up the phone when he got home. He was convinced my friend Jackie was actually Jack (names changed) and accused me of cheating. He knew I talked to Jackie at least once per week because we were working on a project together.

    There was a Microsoft profile picture named Jack that he was convinced was the man I was cheating on him with. I couldn’t convince him otherwise, even after showing him it was in a file with other profile pics. He got a secret vasectomy to try to catch me cheating.

    Spoiler: I was not cheating. I didn’t get pregnant again until he got a reversal. Guess who was cheating and gave me an STI?

    They really don’t care. They either can’t afford to realize their sycophants are abusers because then they’d have to take a hard look at their own beliefs, or they think being abusive is a feature, not a bug.