There were not, no. Although now I have deep regrets about not having party props like hats or party horns
There were not, no. Although now I have deep regrets about not having party props like hats or party horns
As a side note it’s incredible how many posts I see you in
Anyway I mostly watch pretty tame stuff I just like seeing people being affectionate with each other. The one I was in included sitting in cakes and eating ass and was decidedly not very tame. Cake has so much butter and oil in it getting all that off the floor after took some work
You want to know more about the porn I watch or that I was in that one time?
Well now I want the complete and unabridged history of whatever that Halo thing is…
Hey look it’s me, not eating because depressed but also doing the very healthy thing of engaging in too many dating apps to find sex…
That’s delightful! I want to care for ants too but haven’t gotten around to that one yet
I don’t know what flex writing is but the nibs didn’t seem to have much give to them so I’m guess no? Years ago, the last fountain pen I tried was some plastic Sheaffer pen I had heard was good for beginners. Not sure what model it was
That does sound fun. Work used to have internal game jams but we don’t do that anymore (to hell with morale, or learning the tools we’re building, profits only!). I should look into some, do you have any particular recommendations?
You also take care of a colony of rolie polies in the bin of dirt you keep in your living room like a normal person?
And yeah I write by hand initially. Afterwards though everything gets typed up in Obsidian, sent off to source control, and then a build server picks it up to turn it into a website. I’ve tried a few times to get fountain pens to work for me but either I’m doing it wrong or I’m buying garbage because they always seem to jam on me after just a couple days of use
I mean I already paint minis, read, write, draw, play ukulele, and take care of a colony of rolie polies in the bin of dirt I keep in my living room like a normal person. I don’t think adding more hobbies is the solution for me
So with LinkedIn losing its shit, where is the next place to go to for doing what LinkedIn was supposed to be good at?
Yeah I’m currently making about twice what I could find in the game industry… I feel so hollow at my current job though I really need a change and making games is the only thing I’ve ever wanted to do. At least this time when I go back I’ll know more things to look out for
Hey that happened to me! And now many years later I’m looking to get back into the industry because I’m a slut for corporate abuse…
“Hold it on the glass please” immediately ignores them AND fucks around with it. That was incredible
I’m sure you know but that’s how hate mongering and fascism works: target the group least able to fight back. Use that to build support so once the group folds you have the ability to target a slightly stronger group next. If they have their way, once trans people have been final solutioned they’ll go after other queer groups and minorities that are ‘hard or pointless to single out’. It’ll be easier to single them out then and far from pointless it’ll be required to continue to fuel their machine
For a lot of trans people myself included this is part of why we’re so loud when even the smallest threat to our rights shows up. We know what happens next if we get removed from society we’re not just fighting for ourselves
Lol my b I’ll try and be less gender inclusive next time when talking about someone I know nothing about. Good thing we’ve got you though to help balance out our pronoun count who knows what would happen if that one got out of whack
Seems like a memorable thing to do, I’m happy for them
You can just say drug dealer, they had opium
I do qa for headsets so uh… Imagine a painting that moves. Now imagine instead of seeing the world, there was a device that makes you only see those moving paintings. I make sure that device and the paintings work well together.
If anyone knows of any kind of animation technique from that era that would help with the description. But even flip books wouldn’t be invented for like 150 more years so 🤷♀️ Maybe I could find a nice painting and give the person a bunch of mushrooms and be like “this but different”
If by clean up you mean “the big publishers eat all the small studios for cheap” then I guess so?
Let us know how it goes!