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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2023


  • This has already taken more time than it deserves from either of us. My criticisms were uninformed, sorry, I still think it’s a shit idea. I don’t want to stay in a hotel in which for significant portions of my stay I can’t leave. I realise it’s not really different from a cruise - I think cruises sound awful too, and this just adds on that some of the time you can’t even go outside.

  • They are already doing it, I just said so. And I explained previously the reasons that someone might want to rent out their house short term. And if a couple own two houses between them, is that really such a disaster? There is, as I’ve tried to express, a demand for rental properties, even in a world where we can all afford houses. Arbitrarily reducing this to specific types of houses, or specific living conditions doesn’t help renters, it just makes things more difficult.

  • An appartment is still single family housing unless it has multiple families living in it. This seems like it would just drive landlords to evict families to cram more people into buildings. Or if you mean the building has to have more than one family on separate floors… How does that help? Why should those who choose to rent be forced to live in a flat or HMO?

    What would I have done as a 21 year old wanting to find somewhere to live? Here there aren’t many flats, there are lots of terraced houses. I wouldn’t have wanted to buy and tie myself down, so in this situation I’d either have to pile into a cramped HMO or live in someone’s spare room! This is worse for renters and not that much worse for landlords. Here they already cram as many students into what could be a family house as they can because it makes more money, this just makes it mandatory.

    Ok, forcing landlords to live on the property kills owning multiple properties… But why not just deal with that? That’s the problem! Not people renting houses. Ban or heavily tax multiple residential property ownership. 100% ban corporations from owning residential properties. But housing associations, individuals renting out their one house, and other similar small scale letting is good for people who want to rent.

  • Yeah, like I said I misunderstood the OP.

    That said, I think outright banning renting houses would be a terrible idea. Even if we imagine a world in which houses do not cost the astronomical amounts they do today (which just taking landlords out of the market would not guarantee!), most of the time I’ve rented I wanted to rent… I wouldn’t have wanted to be tied to a house with months of buy/sale at either end of my time there, not to mention solicitor’s fees. We obviously want a situation where most people can afford and practically buy a house, it seems stupid to completely annihilate the concept of renting in exchange.

    I would also argue it’s not necessary. If you have more people owning homes, you also have more people either temporarily or semi-permanently vacating them for a variety of reasons. Travelling for work or fun, moving in with a partner, etc. In those situations I don’t see why the need for rental properties (which probably remains relatively small if we consider only those people who actively prefer renting, rather than those who simply can’t afford anything else) shouldn’t be met by landlords who own a single property that they don’t live in… also as you say a relatively small group. Tax the shit out of or legislate against multiple property owners all you like as far as I’m concerned, though.

    I know I spent a long time perfectly content to rent, I liked the flexibility and I didn’t have time to learn shit like how to fix my washing machine. I wouldn’t have wanted to be forced to either live with strangers or spend months buying/selling because it’s illegal to rent to me.

  • Well the situation she’s describing kind of is that, no?

    Sorry I realise I misread the meme. The rest of this is still valid but not so relevant. I’ll leave it anyway.

    If you own a house, and plan to go on a, say, 6 month trip in a few years. You are obviously not going to go through the 6 month+ process of selling the house, storing all of your furniture, etc… only to have to spend 6 months renting while you look for another house to buy.

    So either you store my personal stuff and rent it out as furnished on a fixed term rental contract, or it’s empty until you get back.

    I really appreciate people’s furore at landlords housing scalpers - but single homeowners renting out their house are not the problem. It is perfectly acceptable to own a house and rent it out, you are not hoarding housing and some people need/want to rent for non-financial reasons (they travel for work, they don’t like the hassle of managing maintenance, etc).

  • I looked it up, the real number across Europe is between 1 and 1.2%. Source here, although this only considers those of African descent, not sure how that affects the final total.

    Your point remains valid if you consider only one cohort of national leaders. 44 countries in Europe, it seems reasonable that none would be black if only 1% of the population of Europe is black. But there isn’t just one cohort of leaders to consider… There’s another cohort every, 4-5 years or so. Even going back only to the beginning of the century that’s over 200, suddenly it seems like we should have had at least one. Obviously demographics have changed over time, but nonetheless it remains significant that there has never been one.

  • That’s reasonable - the source I checkedbdidn’t use the fourth powerand it was taking into account the number of wheels as well. Anyway, I think the point still stands that just like cars there is a place for busses in a more sensibly designed transit system, despite this one specific disadvantage. Bikes are obviously superior in many ways to other transport but are only really practical over quite short distances (I’m not averse to cycling 10+ miles to get somewhwre but I’m gonna need a shower when I arrive lol).

  • So, I’m not the previous commenter, and I’m not about to suggest we should ban cars outright (there are quite obviously situations where cars are needed… I mean, anyone who lives in an isolated place literally has no better option)… That said, I would love to see cities free of cars entirely.

    Buses are more damaging to roads, yes (although I’m confident that your 10,000 number is hyperbole, I found a source which suggested than an empty bus does ~170 times the damage of an SUV, or 1,700 times the damage of a compact), even per passenger - which is surprising. But the benefits are quite significant in other regards - energy, pollution, road space, safety, etc. Plus, you can in fact design busses which are less damaging to roads by giving them more wheels!

    Road damage is a relatively small part of why people like me want to see cars be (where practical) a thing of the past. There is a place for busses in that world, alongside other less damaging forms of transit - especially bikes and trams within cities where busses would be the competition. Certain routes are too far for a bike to be practical and too sparse to warrant a tram, so busses make sense in that case.