• 15 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Previously, employees would receive bonuses based on the overall performance of the company. But last summer, the payouts became tied to the performance of each specific franchise. Since their titles were more successful in 2023, teams on games such as Diablo and World of Warcraft received bonuses this month, but the Overwatch developers weren’t so lucky.

    That is a pretty big incentive for quality developers to never push for anything new and to ditch games rather than improving lower profit games.

  • Too many students take computer science instead of software or computer engineering. The ‘science’ part of the courses is almost never used by students as the vast, vast majority of employers do not need scientists, they need engineers. In my job searches, I rarely see a job for a scientist, and the few I do see are highly specialized roles that aren’t looking for green college grads.

  • we admit that we have to spend many trillions of dollars to upgrade the grid

    This is going to be the solution. People will not voluntarily reduce power usage, forcing power reductions by massive increases in KWh cost would stiffle everyone from manufacturing to the homeowner calculating how much they need to turn down their heat to make rent this month, and rolling blackouts are so politically unviable to be laughable. The solution is to improve the grid to meet demand.

  • At follow-up, gender identity/dysphoria was assessed via multiple methods and the participants were classified as either persisters or desisters. Sexual orientation was ascertained for both fantasy and behavior and then dichotomized as either biphilic/androphilic or gynephilic. Of the 139 participants, 17 (12.2%) were classified as persisters and the remaining 122 (87.8%) were classified as desisters. Data on sexual orientation in fantasy were available for 129 participants: 82 (63.6%) were classified as biphilic/androphilic, 43 (33.3%) were classified as gynephilic, and 4 (3.1%) reported no sexual fantasies. For sexual orientation in behavior, data were available for 108 participants: 51 (47.2%) were classified as biphilic/androphilic, 29 (26.9%) were classified as gynephilic, and 28 (25.9%) reported no sexual behaviors. source

    • Gender identity/dysphoria had 139 participants, classified as persisters or desisters; of which 87.8% were desisters

    • Sexual orientation in fantasy had 129 participants, classified as biphilic/androphilic or gynephilic; 63.6% biphilic/androphilic

    • Sexual orientation in behavior had 108 participants, classified as biphilic/androphilic or gynephilic; 47.2% biphilic/androphilic

    Read your own damn study

    It states the terms ‘persisters’ and ‘desisters’ are for gender identity/dysphoria; of which 87.8% were desisters.