What about sub zero?
What about sub zero?
To be clear, I’m advocating heat pumps with gas only for extreme temperatures until the grid can handle heat strips, while at the same time increasing the cost of using gas over time to apply incentive/pressure to use electric. I don’t think it’s reasonable to ban gas outright, and the amount of political resistance would make it a futile effort.
Another consideration is during an extreme storm that results in power outages, no backup generator will be able to keep up with heat strips. Gas would be fine. I personally have a fireplace and keep wood for emergency use.
Could the grid handle everyone turning on their heatstrips? that’s a huge change in demand. When mine turn on i see my energy consumption jump from 3kw to 10kw.
Would more natural gas generators need to be built?
Is it more efficient at heating? Converting gas to electricity has losses, and using resistive heat is very inefficient. I don’t think it’s any less efficient than in-home gas heat. gas generation might be regulated better for pollution control though.
Something similar to the Sims, but with online federation and an AI component that simulates your characters actions when you’re offline, with a mobile app that allows you to check in occasionally to set goals or make decisions without having to fully engage.
I’d set it up so that if you host the game on your own instance, you could share those resources with others that don’t have their own instance. They would be literally renting a home from you, and they would literally be paying rental fees that you could get a cut of.
As an instance owner, you would still pay housing taxes to fund the game development. Ideally costs would be low, under $20/year.
Agreed. Also it reduces costs significantly if issues can be remotely inspected and fixed. Software updates regularly get sent to new vehicles that would have cost a lot of time and money to do at a dealership.
Yes, they shouldn’t be sharing your data. Yes you should be getting compensated if you opt into data sharing.
So the plan is to charge the new homeowner a hookup fee?
Seems like a bad policy. New York gets cold enough that a heat pump needs a low temp heat source. Heat strips can provide that, but gas does it better.
I think a better angle is to subsidize heat pump and inverter technology. Or tax gas use whenever temps are above 45 degrees. A temperature tax even makes more sense in that you could start it now at like 60 degrees, and schedule the tax to kick in at lower temps each year.
Your music app probably supports labels/tags
Your photo organization app probably supports labels.
Most email clients supports labels in some way. Connecting a mail client to gmail usually ends up with a bad folder tree though.
Ntfs doesn’t. I don’t know what file systems do.
Younger generations that have never seen a filing cabinet and are only accustomed to apps on phones don’t really use folder trees. It’s surprising at first when you encounter it.
It’s like that save icon… no one has seen a floppy disk in decades, it doesnt mean anything to most people.
What grade does the guy getting 4 cooked whole chickens in a bag get? What if he’s getting a case of miller lite too? Asking for a friend.
Gmail uses labels instead of folders.
I use google voice to completely ignore my voicemail.
Wikipedia is different. It’s a lot more static to begin with.
You need a whale to keep this thing afloat, and if you get a whale, you also have to bend the knee.
I’d rather see some ads and reasonable employee compensation than relying on a wealthy benefactor.
If you need to show me an ad every once in a while I’m all for it. I’m not saying go full Reddit, but as a non-profit, please try and break even. Financial instability is just as bad as getting hacked or ddos’d.
Convert from folders to labels/tags.
The folder system was based off of physical folders and cabinets, which has limitations that don’t exist in the digital space. Labels/tagging offers so much more usable metadata.
I’ve been stating since I joined that Lemmy needs to find a way to sustain itself beyond donations.
It’s quite possible the author has an investment in Reddit. It simply a blog post, not journalism.
But yes this is the first I’ve heard that it was someone else’s idea.
This further pushes up the costs of homeownership.
Is this satire?
The cost.
What about sub zero?