Looks like a good stabby fork but not so good scoopy fork.
Looks like a good stabby fork but not so good scoopy fork.
Dude requests his burger is cut in half and served on a fancy burger plate, either doesn’t use a tray or ditches it after carrying his order to his table. Then, he removes the lid from his small CcoCdlc, removes the straw from the lid, tosses the lid and sticks the straw into his extra large fries and adds an extra long coffee stir stick for good measure.
Then he lights up his smoke and looks confidently into the camera beside the oddly behaving smoke, knowing that if he can use a fancy vest to get around the no shirt no service rule, he can do almost anything and that whatever a Modlidani is, you can see its letters clearly despite everything else around it being blurred.
I’d like a resource that lists each model of car and the last year they were made without data connections, or ones that depended on subscriptions that you can just decline or easily disable. I have a car from 2013 but am wondering if I should upgrade it to a latest good model before people start preferring those and the used price goes up even more.
Yeah, anti-cheat is clearly being used here to try to prevent mods that can give the mtx items for free. Or, maybe worse, allow people passionate about the game to come in and make a better version than the people selling it made because a passion for the thing itself tends to give better results than just the passion for money the business majors calling the shots have.
Also, a groups banding together to collectively overthrow a stronger opponent is natural. There’s a rule of never getting between a mother and her baby with many animals for a reason, even though most of us could probably take that baby.
There’s personal benefit to dealing with those who abuse their powers (physical, social, or technological), even if those powers aren’t being directed at you.
Trump has supporters who think he is the Antichrist and want him in power because their book of lies says that that happens before the rapture. Even if their mythology was based on reality, I don’t get how they don’t expect some beaurocrat at heaven admissions to be like, “Hold up, it says here that you supported the Antichrist and wanted the rapture to happen partially because you thought it would punish those that opposed it? That that was your specific idea of paradise?”
The first game I remember seeing MTX in was gunbound, a game that was like worms Armageddon. You could earn in game currency to buy equipment or you could spend a bit of real world money on them. And before that, gold farmers and their buyers would get banned in waves on WoW. I knew instantly when seeing the gunbound system that it would make money.
Personally, I always had contempt for anyone who would pay money to gain an advantage in a game, but the fact that they kept banning more farmers and buyers in WoW told me the demand was there even when it was risky, so when the game itself was selling that shit, it would do even better.
Though I can also thank Turok for N64 for teaching me that using cheats just increases the rate at which the game stops being fun. Paying to win would do the same thing, only it costs you money to ruin the game.
It would be cool if they did that second series the finale teased, though they’ll need to come up with some new twists. Though tbh, I’d watch a new take on the old ideas, too.
If FDR had reacted to that like he should have, the course of history might be pretty different. For one thing, the Bushes might have never gained the power they did.
I wonder how long it would take to start diverging. There’s a maximum volume of trades you can make before you start having an impact on the prices yourself. Knowing the future perfectly means eventually you would be the most dominant force on the market unless you tempered yourself. But having a book is just having a snapshot of a single reality that your reality will start diverging from.
The show The Travelers addresses this a bit, but I think even that one underestimates how much a new player will full knowledge of the future market would affect that future market.
From what I can tell, the “tyranny” that Caesar was killed for was because he wasn’t for the Roman ownership class and was using his power to counteract the huge wealth disparities that existed at the end of the Roman Republic.
Have it printed on a series of cave walls that go deep into the ocean and by the time the present comes around again, maybe we’ll have fully explored the oceans and there will still be unexplored land.
There’s another problem that his math missed. His baby-making rate stands at one per three months. Extrapolating that for all humans puts the population’s doubling rate at EVERY THREE MONTHS! In 10 years, there will be a lot of ~3 trillion kg kids!
If every 10 billion people can make a new earth every year, I think we should be able to get on top of this.
The economy in Star Trek is probably the simplest problem they’ve solved.
There might be an early short squeeze that could make this pay off. I predict that this one will be very unpredictable.
There is zero reason to believe the edit function replaces the previous post text in the database instead of just updating the posts pointer to the new text. Or maybe it would be more optimized to save the old text somewhere new. Editing posts might piss off mods, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the admins don’t care.
He is simultaneously strong and weak.
Just like adding a pinch of salt can improve any dish, adding a dash of Worcestershire sauce can improve them for the same reasons but different taste group.
And more generally, if you taste something and feel like it’s missing something, go through each of the taste groups and consider if that is what it’s missing. Sweet, salty, acidic, umami are the main ones (I’ve never felt like a dish is missing bitterness, but maybe that’s a weakness in my cooking). Spicy isn’t a flavour group but can add to a dish and/or mask a lack of balance.
Also, do this balancing act after you’ve added all the ingredients because they can bring their own biases to the dish.
I think it would still encourage meme voting in retaliation for having to show up. “You can force me to do this but you can’t force me to do this in good faith.”
What makes you think that?