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Cake day: August 29th, 2023

  • I think those are tough examples we don’t have enough data as the public to make decisions for. Home education can be more comprehensive than a local rural school (think Floridian malfeasance) or maybe handles a niche community like disabilities/hardships etc. I believe elementary education is already mandatory (or at least alternatives need approved atm), and multiple-choice tests are not inherently bad, just the way in which we administer them for every “progression metric” is obsessive and becomes unhelpful.

    I would like to see a revamp in the administrative and legislation part of the education system. We currently elect board members and positions of power in education by popularity regardless of their credentials. Any education position that oversees policy needs to have a selection committee like that of the justice system with open public hearings and disputes able to be heard. We keep getting these extremists in positions that completely set back any progress we have tried to scientifically make in the education field.

    A rather extreme position - allow students to vote for elected education officials. Get students used to researching and campaigning for their candidates. Let them get into the policy nuance and see how they are personally effected. Let them learn the lesson of electing someone who doesn’t fulfill campaign promises and have them hold their candidate responsible for those missteps. Teach them the dangers of extreme political ideologies and politicizing topics that need no-nonsense action. I would hope learning these things in an academic setting might help our future elections with greater participation.

  • ITT: A lot of people wanting to argue the headline and not the articles or legislation.

    The plaintiffs said they would order drinks that included milk and would substitute the milk for non-dairy alternatives, such as soy, oat, coconut, or almond milk, and were charged an extra $0.50 to $0.80 for the substitution.

    The lawsuit notes that Starbucks typically uses 2% milk for their milk-based products and would substitute that milk for another type of milk, such as 1% or skim, for no additional cost. Starbucks will also offer caffeine-less or sugar-free options for no additional cost.

    Customers who are lactose-intolerant or have milk allergies may pay up to $2 extra at Dunkin’ Donuts when substituting oat or almond milk for dairy in their beverages. (from the link in the article)

    The lawsuit against Dunkin’ points out that the chain already modifies its regular beverage offerings to remove caffeine and sugar at no additional cost for those with diabetes, weight-control issues or hypertension. The coffee company also asks customers about their allergies, informing them that their products may contain allergens. “Once Dunkin’ asks about allergies, and someone with a disability requests a dairy-free product as an accommodation, they can’t impose a surcharge — as they don’t for caffeine-free drinks, etc.,” Kanter said.

    Kanter, the founding director of Syracuse University’s disability law and policy program, believes the lawsuit makes a strong case for discrimination under the ADA. “If a person qualifies as a person with a disability, and they’re entitled to an accommodation or modification — which in this case looks pretty simple as nondairy milk — they cannot be charged extra,” said Kanter.

    The legislation is simple, and being tested currently in the courts with how it effects business practices. It’s also telling how privileged most of you are on here, you imagine yourself as the “owner” who is shocked and dumbfounded by this turn of events. Anyone who has actually worked in the restaurant or service industry knows this is company bullshit.

    The Alternative-Milk items are mere percentages of percentages. All Food Costs and future sale projections are calculated for proper ordering. They already have the items on hand…there would be no restructuring or change in conducting business under a judgement on this case. The use of other free alternatives (sugar-free,etc) for disabilities being used as advertising is a damning indication everyone skips over. Caffeine-free doesn’t cost more to have or stock? Any of the Splenda/etc is corporeal and drops out of the Ether for everyone?

    Again, the numbers are so low for alternative-milk your brain would skip a beat if you look at their figures.

    Starbucks pays to produce one cup of regular coffee. Amateur speculative estimates range from $0.20 to $0.75… Starbucks has recently been repurchasing its own shares and paying dividends to increase returns to investors…The costs of goods sold, depreciation and amortization expenses, and store operating expenses have declined over the last six years, with only general and administrative expenses rising. (link)

    Starbucks isn’t saying shit, they know the reality of how bad it actually looks. There is no “Woe is me” in any of their financial reportings so they just have to bite the bullet.

    Starbucks also expects to continue robust store development in China, with net unit growth of approximately 13% annually. Globally, Starbucks expects to approach 45,000 stores by the end of 2025… Starbucks now expects global revenue growth in the range of 10% to 12% annually from fiscal 2023… growth is expected to be in the range of 15% to 20% annually through fiscal 2025. Starbucks plans to resume its share buyback program reinstituting a healthy return of shareholder capital, yielding an annual EPS benefit of approximately 1%, net of incremental interest, beginning in fiscal year 2024. Between dividends and share buybacks, the company expects to return approximately $20 billion to its shareholders in the next three years. (link)

    They’re playing ball in China, we’ve all seen enough examples of companies having to bend the knee or getting out. I don’t get why everyone is not happy about these events. Want a “free” market where large corporation monopolies exist? Sure, but you gotta at least allow some crumbs to fall for the peasants lest they get hangy again. Want freedom and inclusion for all groups of people to experience life? Starbucks is an American institution now by cultural standards, you can’t academically refute that looking at any media or even economical standpoints. It’s on every corner, reasonable accommodations should be made and enforced for the general public. This isn’t a Ma and Pa coffee shop, this is why lower court judges exist and can weigh in on individual cases where they can seriously consider the context of the business standards.


  • My partner still visits reddit on mobile (the communities they want just are not here and they don’t like to post), I know when showing me something we’ve clicked on a post to have to scroll past a “Presented” comment (ad), the communities stickied bot comment, then we finally get to the first real comment only for it to be some highly upvoted joke comment. Sprinkle in bots and native ad’s, I seriously don’t understand still putting up with it. It’s like saying a shopping complex is still a social hot spot like a mall was back in the day.