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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • He put himself into harm’s way, intentionally, because of right-wing feels, and then claims “self defense”. Carrying around a brandished weapon. What was he even doing there?

    It so happens that I do think self-defense is a valid defense. Under the right circumstances, of course. If, for instance, someone breaks into my house and I shoot them on the spot, I won’t exactly be jumping up and down that I was pushed to kill someone (the manly macho posturing on this kind of scenario is one I always find curious; the fact of the matter is that any normal human being would not - and should not - come away mentally unscathed from ending another human being’s life. If I were forced to end someone’s life because they broke into my house, I imagine that is something I’d wrestle with for the rest of my days), but I don’t think I should be charged with anything. However, if I go to a protest, waving around a firearm, and then feel “threatened” by someone throwing a plastic bag at me…

  • I would say that a very vocal, but hopefully tiny, minority on the left are very much caught up in that. Not all of us are. Unfortunately, in some venues/platforms they have utterly captured the mods, and in some cases, have completely destroyed any reasonable discussion (an example I’ve mentioned before is Boing Boing’s comment section - it’s reached cartoonish levels, and I’ve mostly stopped reading Boing Boing in recent years as a result. It’s almost a self-parody, not even joking.). I think the impression is that there are many more of these types of leftists than there really are.

  • I almost feel sorry for how this kid is going to be forever type-cast as a stupid gun-nut culture warrior type. Before his brain has even fully developed. What a disaster. What he did was gawdawful but it’s likely he will NEVER learn from his mistake and become a whole human being. Not when being a total dumbass for the RW elitists willing to fund such things pays a lot better than the alternative, I bet.

    And when people talk about how what he did was in “self defense”…I always ask, what fuck was he even doing there in the first place? He had zero reason to be there.