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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • The bases for the two parties are very very different.

    It’s why Republicans can, with little consequence, call Democrats pedophiles, crooks, etc.

    Democrats have a big tent, with a lot of moderates in the base. Moderates, for the most part, see democrats as the paragons of virtue, people who should stand tall while their opponents throw shit at their face and call it confetti.

    Moderates won’t vote for Democrats if they feel like they can’t be polite. They won’t vote for Republicans but simply keeping them out of the ballot box is enough for Republicans to win.

    The only good way to deal with this is as a SuperPAC. Running attack ads and forcing Republicans to play defense. But remember that conservatives have significant backing from rich assholes and they have their own SuperPACs.

  • Playing a bit of devil’s advocate.

    We have a tendency to over classify things in general. When I was in a TS SCIF, we would mark things S/TS because we were lazy and didn’t want to go through the process to see if something was subject to disclosure.

    Assuming, with a great heaping serving of salt, that there is validity to Trump’s claim, I can sort of understand putting to a jury to see if the files that Trump took were in fact classified. I can see him stealing the documents simply because it had a cover sheet and not because it was valuable. While I’m sure that he absolutely took sensitive and classified information, I’m equally sure that there is probably a take out menu or two in those boxes.

    The problem is that the run of the mill citizen isn’t equipped to properly classify a document. I don’t know what probative value exists in giving the documents to jurors outside of forcing the prosecution to put them in the public record.

  • That’s not how the ADA works. You could say the same for wheelchair ramps, but ultimately it’s on the store owner to reasonably provide accomodations to people who want to use their services. It’s not on the disabled person to pick and select who will accommodate them or not. It’s why businesses are required to reserve a portion of their parking lot to those with handicap placards. It shouldn’t be up to each disabled person to figure out which business they can go to.

    What Starbucks is doing would be akin to Walmart charging an extra buck for you to use one of their mobility scooters or an extra $5 if you require the assistance from an employee because you can’t reach something.