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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Voting and incremental change are the “easy” parts, building and protecting for yourself and your community, so that you and your loved ones are able to “not let a good crisis go to waste” is the kind of revolutionary pre figuration that we need right now. There will be violence either way we might as well try to use it to change things for the better for more people afterwards and during.

    Well you’re still just as wrong and naive as the fundamentalists but at least in the mean time you’re doing the right thing. In 30 years when there’s still no revolution you’ll thank yourself for supporting incremental progress.

  • What we need now isn’t time, it’s the courage to swim to one of the corporate overlords’ ships and take what’s ours.

    To use a particularly apt phrase, that ship has sailed. There will be no revolution. I don’t know how anyone sane could look at the state of the world and think they a) there’s some revolution on the horizon, and b) it would result in a better world order if it happened.

    It’s the leftist version of “it’s okay to poison the planet because the Rapture is coming soon so it doesn’t matter what we do now”. It’s an excuse for apathy and laziness.

    There is no revolution coming to save you. We have to save ourselves the difficult way, through voting and incremental steps. Belief in a sudden revolution that will make everything better is childish.

  • Nobody in my circles

    Imo this is the heart of the problem. The economy is getting better for poor people. But middle class people complain the loudest. And middle class people don’t interact with poor people, so they don’t see any improvement.

    I think this is where Biden messed up. Helping the poor is the right thing to do, but politicians have ignored the poor for generations for a reason: the middle class is what wins or loses elections. You need to keep the middle class happy. The middle class owns the social media airwaves. The poor have no voice.