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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 1st, 2024


  • Fuck off.

    Uber sucks but the Taxi industry were far worse. They lobbied for limited numbers of licenses that cost ridiculous amounts of money, so they kept supply low while offering the worst services possible. You’d be lucky to get one unless it was the most expensive rip-off of a trip they could get out of you, forget going a ‘short’ distance.

    Those arseholes deserved to lose every bit of business that they did as soon as an alternative rocked up, disgusting to see them profit off their decades of horrible public opinion.

  • Terraria is another example of the handful of games that actually provide free continuous content over their lifetime, same goes for Stardew Valley. Fact is that’s the extreme minority of games and when it comes to strategy games, Rimworld and DF are the only ones.

    I’d put all these games on the same tiny arse pedestal of good value, and I’m happy paying $20 every few years to support a dev to keep doing what they do.

    Attacking them over 99% of the rest of the industry is fucking stupid however.

  • Wow so because the devs have contiously added to the game over the past 6 years, that calling the base game the base game is no longer viable? That is the stupidest take I’ve heard in a while. Where do you think the funds come from to support a game with new content for over 6 years? The fucking expansions.

    Please share with us your idea of a game worth it’s value? I’m dying to know what you think is worthy if not RimWorld of all fucking games.

  • ChatGPT says otherwise:

    When you arrange them in order of release, they spell out “R.O.Y.G.B.I.V,” which is an acronym for the colors of the rainbow: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet. This was a deliberate choice by the developers to create a mnemonic device to remember the order of the colors in a rainbow. Here’s the breakdown:

    R: RimWorld Base Game
    O: RimWorld: Royalty
    Y: RimWorld: Ideology
    G: RimWorld: Royalty (added content)
    B: RimWorld: Ideology (added content)
    I: RimWorld: Ideology (another added content)
    V: RimWorld: Royalty (another added content)

  • The game is $35 USD, not $100.

    Nor do you have to buy the DLC if you think $20 a year is too much for you. For me I’m more than happy to pay such a low cost for the thousands of hours of entertainment this game provides.

    Rimworld offers more than almost any other game does on a dollar/hour basis. I’ll take “lazy graphics” over the latest bullshit AAAA GaaS MMOFPSRPG Survival Horror with it’s $30 lootbox battlepass and $20 recoloured skins bullshit that is released.