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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Don’t get me started on the sham that is recycling icons 😂

    I’m all for making regulation that would require media companies to disclose that something is fake if it could be reasonably taken as truth. But that doesn’t solve the problem of anyone with a computer pumping fake images on to the web. What you’re suggesting would require a world government that has chip level access to anything with a CPU.

    As for the public enforcing the truth; that’s what I’m suggesting. Assume anything you see online could be fake. Only trust trustworthy institutions that back up their media with verifiable facts.

  • Yes. Your last sentence is my point exactly. LLMs haven’t replicated everything about the human brain. But the hype is here because it cracks one of our brains key features: How it learns. Your brain isn’t magic. It just records training data until it has enough to mash it together into different things.

    A child doesn’t respect copyright, they’ll draw a picture of Mario. You probably would too If I asked you to. Respecting copyright is something we learn to do in specific situations. This is called “coming up with an original idea”. But that’s bullshit. There are no original ideas.

    If you come up with a product that’s a cold brew cup that refrigerates its contents, I’d say that’s a very original idea. But you didn’t come up with refrigeration, you didn’t come up with cups, or cold brew, or the idea of putting technology in a cup, or the concept of a product you sell to people. Name one thing about this idea that you didn’t learn somewhere else? You can’t. Because that’s not how people work. A very real part of business, that you will learn as you put your new cup to market, is skirting around copyright. Somebody out there with a heated cup might come after you for example.

    This is a difficult thing to learn the precise line on. Mostly because it can’t work as a concrete rule. AI still has to be used, tested, and developed to learn the nuances here. And it will. But what baffles me is how my example above outlines how every process of invention has worked since the beginning of humanity. But if an LLM does it, people say, “That’s not a real idea. It just took a bunch of stuff it’s learned and mashed it together.” But I hear, “My brain is 🪄magic✨ I’m special.”

  • This is what people fundamentally don’t understand about intelligence, artificial or otherwise. People feel like their intelligence is 100% “theirs”. While I certainly would advocate that a person owns their intelligence, It didn’t spawn from nothing.

    You’re standing on the shoulders of everyone that came before you. You take a prehistoric man or an alien that hasn’t had any of the same experiences you’ve had, they won’t be able to function in this world. It’s not because they are any dumber than you. It’s because you absorbed the hive mind of the society you live in. Everyone’s racing to slap their brand on stuff to copyright it to get ahead and carve out their space.

    “No you can’t tell that story, It’s mine.” “That art is so derivative.”

    But copyright was only meant to protect something for a short period in order to monetize it; to adapt the value of knowledge for our capital market. Our world can’t grow if all knowledge is owned forever and isn’t able to be used when even THINKING about new ideas.


    That’s all you do.

    Imagine how useless someone would be who’d never interacted with anything copyrighted, patented, or trademarked.