Another traveler of the wireways.

  • 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Do people have to make a living of it?

    Can’t we have a place online where out data isn’t being sold, aren’t being bombarded with ads, or begged for subscriptions?

    We can, and we do have some such spaces, thankfully. Another question to ask then is, could online workers have the sort of spaces where they’re not ceding their data to be sold by others, where they aren’t at the whims of corporate platforms wary of losing advertisers’ money, and being given scraps of the advertising money and pressed to split their subscription revenue with corporations making billions?

    If people don’t want them in the fediverse, and people are sick of the corporate web (either in part or in whole because of online workers there), where are online workers to try to make their living?

    I don’t know, but I do understand the exasperation at it all.

  • Thought this was interesting coverage of a mix of different issues from inattentiveness, prompt resignation at slight effort, and tech and media illiteracy. It’s difficult to determine what all the contributors to these behaviors are across different age demographics, as you see it both with the young and the old in different forms.

    There’s a sort of expectation from some of both to operate software more like simple machinery (appliances, more than applications) where you tap or click the buttons and it promptly and predictably responds (ideally), and when it doesn’t…To simply give up and try to find a different app that works as desired, or a person to help them.

  • This is only somewhat related, but posting without a language selected may help across Lemmy at least. Defaults should allow seeing all languages, but for those trying to curate their feeds more to the languages they know, having a language selected that they’re filtering out means lower visibility for your posts.

    Also, at least in this post’s case, the language selected doesn’t match, so it doesn’t make much sense anyway. 😅

    More to your point, however, I honestly don’t know. There has to be an interest from those for a different community/online space to go to, and then it has to meet whatever they’re interested in posting and discussing. I kind of think more topic-focused or themed communities/instances might have more of a draw for some people, as something more open-ended may leave them at a loss of what to post about and discuss. Whereas, something a little more focused that they may know about, want to discuss, or ask and learn about, might provide an easier orientation/onboarding experience.

    Simple examples being like communities related to sports, games, tv/movies, books, music, events related to each like upcoming sports events, concerts, awards shows, etc. Keeping in line with what I mentioned above, you might make these related to those in your country, letting federation take care of seeing and keeping up with international sports, media, and events, providing your instance with more of a distinct local feed that is genuinely local.

  • Locking this for similar reasons as I did another recent post, except this one is explicitly encouraging violent action. Further, MasterBlaster420, you seem unable to have this discussion without resorting to insulting people left and right.

    See the following:

    With this in mind, it would probably be wiser to permanently ban you from this community, but instead I’m giving a temporary ban. I’d encourage you to reflect on how you approach discussing this subject. Rather than suggesting general violence for enacting change, read further on the histories relating to the subject and really engage with them.

    Recognize why there’s an aversion to violence, who takes advantage of it to subvert its aims, and whether it may be better to inspire and organize those that align with you, than repel them into the arms of those you oppose.