I’m the same! I’m literally always right! Never wrong! Ever!!!
Fediverse Advocate
This user enjoys talking about Religion and Christianity (if you cannot tell)
This user wants you to know that Jesus loves you no matter who you are.
I’m the same! I’m literally always right! Never wrong! Ever!!!
I agree
That’s America for you
Yeah, but the shots were in self defence, even though he shouldn’t have been there
There’s morality and legality. I agree what he did was morally wrong and was murder in the biblical sense, but not the legal sense under U.S. law.
Best of luck. Sorry things are rough.
Thank you, sorry if I gave off the wrong impression. I actually said it as I was previously in a situation where I was, but I started focusing on myself (taking advice similar to yours) and it actually does help! Previously I was flat out scared of talking to women. I thought even looking at someone could be creepy/harassing.
Turns out just talking to someone and then asking if they’d like to go out for food or something in a respectful manner after a conversation isn’t creepy and actually seems to invoke a positive reaction from them sometimes? Who would have known!
Is that actually illegal though? It should be, sure, but was it?
I agree what he did was self defence. I also agree that he absolutely should not have been there in the first place. But it seemed him being there wasn’t that serious of a crime in the first place? (I know there was some illegality about him moving the weapon across state lines, but still)
He’s a moron. Unfortunately it’s not illegal to be a moron.
He was being beaten with a skateboard, wasn’t he?
Nobody is telling men what to actually do to be a lovable person. Just what not to do.
So talk to people on the bus?
I think horses have quite a lot of stamina, the only animals actually comparable to humans. Which is why we ride them.
What if you’re on a superflat world and there are no trees
This is Lemmy. What were you expecting?
Paracetamol. Make sure you are well hydrated and a bit fed as well.
even though it happens more often
I don’t think that’s a fair exchange
Is frustrating on a new instance though when you have to wait for the content to appear though, lol
Google could have also made a competent messaging service to compete with iMessage but just… Didn’t until like 2019
Meta are also starting their own ActivityPub platform, Threads.
Atheists. Their argument always boils down to “I don’t want God to exist because I don’t like him”