I would imagine those are handled more like recording sessions where it’s not a 9-5 but a scheduled event. I could be wrong though I’ve never done it myself.
I would imagine those are handled more like recording sessions where it’s not a 9-5 but a scheduled event. I could be wrong though I’ve never done it myself.
When my family members briefly had wfh they did all of the overtime. You can do a full home cooked dinner, OT, and still have time to relax after. Breaks don’t feel like a waste of time you can’t even finish a meal within. None of these buffoons will accept that performance went up using the same metrics that they used to complain about poor performance before covid hit though.
One of the last industries that would actually benefit from return to office. I doubt anyone writes better code or produces better art after getting stuck in traffic twice a day every day.
Ok here’s a headline that made me snort my coffee.
Yeah I had always assumed they were socks worn inside the shoes but now I have to accept that such a weird piece of clothing exists
I keep forgetting that princesses are real and not just a thing parents call their kids or creepy guys use derogatorily to women at work. It’s kinda weird to think about a princess having cancer too, not very fantasy novel. I don’t know anything about her but that probably is enough reason to assume she doesn’t deserve it. If only we could give it to someone more deserving of such a condition, someone constantly in the news for bad shit, not naming any names…
What camera? Is the panning and zooming real or just cropping a fixed view frame?
, with some amazing titles launching and being updated with FSR 3, such as Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, Starfield, The Last of Us™ Part I, and many more.
Starfield is amazing? Amazingly bad lololol
I’m not convinced by any of those after Starfield’s yeah right scores
What is sweet baby?
I have never visited the actual website of any of the clients either. Getting programs from their website is so windows XP.
May everything remotely involved face increased leaks and piracy until the end of time. Denuvo is such a scam focused on the fears of corporate execs. It’s simple really. Make a good game and sales will follow. Anyone that pirates probably wouldn’t buy it in the first place, though many who pirate do go on to buy the game later if they like it.
Yeah it drives me a bit insane too. I often end up just manually placing everything. I wish it had a mode where you roughly place things and it spaces them consistently without significantly changing their relative positions
That’s a weird one. Could it be an attempt to get the streamers disqualified for cheating?
Definitely not the code because it’s always junk, but I kinda want to use ai other stuff and try to slap it together into a game and make the most polished turd possible
It would sell easy if they didn’t use some weird hardware only on a select few PC graphics cards. Even if PC support was enabled by modders it would still sell but the hardware requirements are simply too much of a hindrance
This combo suggestion is peak style
You could potentially just tape or glue something to press the little button nub just long enough to print something better. I did once by sticking a pencil eraser tip to the x carriage with double sided tape to print a little gantry nub to do the same thing more permanently. After it homed I pulled the eraser off so it didn’t end up falling into the print.
I’m surprised the numbers go that high
The headline made me think of back when phone networks were just starting to be fast enough to watch YouTube on data, a guy at the job I was working was caught watching videos of young girls in supposedly lacking state of dress splashing in inflatable pools or something along those lines. Dunno what happened to him but everyone thought he was a nice guy the day before and then suddenly everyone was grossed out by his mere existing.
My immediate concern though is do they account for people who were tricked into watching like with Rick rolling?