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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • I’m not upset with the existence of a number instead of what the number represents in context.

    You picked a billion. People with 50 million have more money than they need.

    I don’t actually think you’re stupid enough to not understand that concentration of wealth is causing poverty.

    Weath Inequality and poverty are completely different topics. You can have no poverty and many billionaires. You can have no billionaires and also have poverty.

    I don’t think you’re stupid enough to believe that government spending on an entire nation should be compared to a single person’s wealth.

    Sure it can. It illustrates that there are bigger, better targets than 750 people.

    You’re a troll and a capitalist simp.

    I’m pointing out that maximising income from billionaires doesn’t occur when you tax them at 100%.

    Calling for an 80% tax bracket is not simping for capitalism.

    Kindly go fuck yourself.

    Go get your toys and put them back in the pram.

    You’ve been blocked as you’re not worth conversing with. Cheers!

    Because you can’t handle a different opinion.

  • There’s nothing immoral about a number you dimwit.

    So why are you are fixated on the billion number?

    numbers tend have labels attached to them

    Not when you used them.

    represents an amount of resources that no person needs in even a hundred lifetimes.

    So why not also target multimillionaires?

    So why are children still starving to death? Why are people homeless and without healthcare? Why are people working for slave wages for 80 hours a week when all of these resources exist with plenty to go around?

    OK, so it’s poverty you are against, not billionaires.

    It’s because the richest people have concentrated this wealth for themselves even though they could never use it all.

    No. Billionaires are small potatoes. The federal government spent $6.13 trillion in FY 2022. $1.62 Trillion on the militarily PER YEAR. A billionaires life’s work owns less than 0.1% of that.

    It doesn’t matter how many people like Taylor Swift’s music

    Yes it does. It’s an excellent example of hard work and skill that is valued >1Bn. It is empirical evidence that your opinion is incorrect.

    or how many one dollar things Jeff Bezos has used those making slave wages to create for five cents.

    OK, so now you are back on poverty. Not billionaires.

    You’ve been brainwashed into thinking that it’s normal but it is a crime against humanity.

    Poverty, yes. Billionaires no. I’m not actually defending billionaires. I’m trying to show that your anger is not correctly targeted.

    It doesn’t matter where billionaires live if they’re not able to exist.

    So you are proposing a worldwide movement against billionaires, overriding all national sovereignty. You are more likely to get support for poverty to be outlawed than billionaires.

  • Cool. Please explain how it’s possible for someone to work hard enough to deserve 1000 years worth of earning 1 million dollars a year.

    Invent something that 1bn people will pay. $1 for.

    No one deserves that kind of money.

    What is immoral about numbers greater than 10**9 specifically? Plenty of houses in Japan cost more than 1bn JPY.

    Not possible to work that hard or be that talented.

    Millions of Taylor Swift fans disagree with you.


    My initial statement was based around economics. Billionaires are very mobile and can live almost anywhere in the world. Would we prefer to tax 80% of 100 Billionaires or 100% of zero Billionaires?