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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 24th, 2024


  • Not to normies who are people people and love short form posts by “thought leaders” or more realistically celebrities and corpo brands (like sports teams or Taylor swift) they want to ape or consume products of.

    They never visited forums and got on the internet through mobile phones and Facebook, so the format of Reddit is strange and unfamiliar to them.

    It’s always been this way and it’s why twitter was/is way more popular than Reddit, the naturally pseudonymous throwaway nature of Reddit accs made it all seem too impersonal for most people.

    They probably see the internet as a whole as a negative and they think everyone is just there for ads and twitter and getting their dopamine systems hijacked instead of just actually wanting to be here and getting some kind of value out of it. All protests to the contrary are only seen as proof of their own theories.

    Everyone who’s interested in tech be it delivered, cryptocurrency or godforbid AI to them must be in it to make money because no normal person is interested in anything other than people and therefore must be a musk/zucc fan and is thus branded a tech bro.

    These people vote in elections.

  • Medicine is drugs.

    Try 5-HTP as a supplement if you believe you have low serotonin levels for some reason. It’s a precursor to Serotonin so if there is a chemical reason your body is producing insufficient amounts then it can help, alongside L-Tyrosine which is the same thing but for dopamine. CBD supplements, if actually legitimately containing CBD can have some anxiolytic properties.

    Otherwise everything else is illegal.

    Sorry honey, but under capitalism you’re supposed to buy worthless shit to stave off the alienation and misery and uhh like drugs are bad m’kay. Go get into K-Pop or “Gadgets” instead, heard there’s some hot spicy influencer drama in these! Lotta ads to watch! And remember: Don’t think, just buy product and get excited for the next product.

    You might consider an MDMA, DMT or LSD trip to figure out why you’re unhappy.

    Do not buy drugs on the street, they are shit quality for shitty prices, you will get ripped off. Don’t buy from DNMs overseas, customs do not fuck around. In UK/West EU order to home as normal, in US order to non-home mailboxes, in East EU order to dead drops. Make sure to research how to stay safe, what markets to use, how to get Monero and how to use PGP and maybe Tails depending on OpSec risk appetite, I think Dread (ddg it with tor!) has a few guides for this.

    Go for lower dosages and make sure to get powder for MDMA, it should be light brown in colour. Test it! MDMA is part stim, part empathogen.

    For DMT: get a proper high end vape tank DMT vape with a 510 off a respected seller on a DNM and buy a proper mod - don’t buy the crappy eGO style tanks/“carts”. DMT is a pure psych, very shroom-esque but without the shroom common side effects like diarrhea and uncontrollable vomiting and lasts only 15 mins.

    For LSD make sure to take some time off work or do it when you won’t be disturbed in general, preferably for at least 48 hours, as a trip can last 12-16. I’d go for 100ug - tabs are often under dosed so go if brave go for 120ug, don’t buy tabs with overly elaborate art as that can be a sign that more effort went into the marketing than anything else, but make sure to get a test kit to make sure it’s not NBOME, that drug is nice as well but it’s not LSD and vendors don’t dose it properly which can kill you.

    Other than psychs: Amphetamine and/or nicotine will make you happy generally, but unless you have ADHD the effect may be too negligible to be worth it.

    If your source of unhappiness is anxiety then you can take an anxiolytic like a benzodiazepine. Do not do that.

    There’s also Alcohol and Opioids but these barely do anything honestly when it comes to actual happiness. I would not do THC in an unhappy state, it’s like 75% anxiety and hunger.

    Or you can try therapy, but that shit never worked for me, turns out the world is just shit and my life was shit as a result, taking drugs helped/helps me cope with that and I try to improve my material circumstances as much as possible, I’ve never really had mental health issues though I just had shit mental health due to my material conditions so YMMV and GL, the first step to fixing an issue is identifying there is an issue. Try to identify what the issue is next.

  • But surely that can’t really be true either like if I post a selfie on Instagram in London, some guy’s Minecraft server in Minnesota can’t be receiving that and be like “oh not for me - ignore”. It just seems horribly inefficient. But maybe I’m having trouble conceptualising how fast light is? 😅

    And based on another answer ITT by FuglyDuck, it would seem that once you’ve resolved a domain you do send it to a central hub that then resolves subnets until it gets to it’s destination, so I can imagine that it does so by physically sending it down “the right cable” as it gets past each layer to get to the final destination via the recepient’s ISP, but imagining it as a giant automated telephone switchboard is all my feeble software brain can comprehend it as and that doesn’t seem right either.

    ~~Edit: well actually network switches do operate on the data link layer, but also not on the physical one?

    I guess what I’m trying to say is: if I’m sending a packet to Japan from the UK - once my packet reaches a hub of a first tier ISP, does it just go down every oceanic cable in every direction, or the one that actually is in the direction of Japan?~~

    The answer is that yes - the internet is just a telephone switchboard between what amounts to otherwise isolated networks of ISPs and exchange points physically send light down correct cables with switches:


  • Not actually American here tbf but yes absolutely? Like 2020 was actually fairly good: prices weren’t high and there weren’t perpetual infinite layoffs and in general the world was on the right track, now everything is beyond fucked, can barely afford gas and food, utterly priced out of now luxury priced fast food even.

    In fact the only positive right now that wasn’t there 4 years ago is the ubiquity of remote work and that came from the pandemic, don’t know how I’d deal if I had to commute too in all this shit. I honestly can’t think of any negative pandemic impacts on myself personally if I think selfishly. I also only finished my bachelors thanks to the extensions we got on the final cws due to the pandemic, and because it was all remote I could then afford to do a master’s as well which actually got me a job at the end of it.

    I know some others were affected but I struggle to think of how (layoffs back then too I think?), and I struggle to think how they wouldn’t be worse off now when everything is worse?

  • Honestly though in all actuality there are very few topics where nuance does exist like with guns for example: it’s a very nuanced issue and calls for bans without acknowledging the reality that for many in America relying on the justice and police systems is not always a good or even safe option when it comes to personal safety, but at the end of the day you either ban them or you don’t and any extra asterisks are minutiae, so people don’t really care about your personal reasons they just want to know what side you fall on in the conflict.

    So often nuance-enjoyers come off as effectively saying “what if we rape but only sometimes?” on the topic of whether rape should be a crime in society.