Our startup is failing internally. The product idea keeps changing, projects get switched rapidly, the engineering team got an ass beating by the CEO in an all team meeting for being ‘too slow’ (which was out of line by him) despite trying their best to keep up. We had an amazing chance to be one of the first companies doing what we do, and we’ve just whiffed it. On top of this no one has had pay reviews, some for multiple years. And we’re trying to hire a new position and all the candidates drop out when they see what a shit show everything is. I’ve spoken off the record to half of the team (it’s a small company) and all of them are absolutely over it, looking for other work, doing the bare minimum. I was hired a few years ago as a customer person, but we barely have customers and they’re pressuring me to instead do aggressive consulting and sales stuff. I hate it, but the paychecks keep cashing and I hate job hunting.
Wait, you were held against your will in a house by a coworker??