• 2 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 14th, 2024


  • Yeah, to be honest there really is no consensus about this within vegan communities. I would say from an ethical stand point, the biggest thing would be if a company is continually abusing animals in their processes. And animal testing is a difficult subject too, because virtually every food has been subjected to animal testing.

    I do think it’s also worth mentioning that plants really are perfectly fine to center a diet around, in and of themselves. I had a really difficult time transitioning to a plant-based diet because addiction is in my genes. But at the same time I was at a place in my life where my health was declining fast, I felt like shit all the time, and I was having to force myself to eat every day. I hated food. But after I got used to eating 100% plants, all of that completely changed. I felt better than I ever had. My arthritis-like symptoms (and other inflammatory problems) completely vanished. I had all kinds of energy that I never used to. And as I got better at cooking plant based and found good places to eat, I actually fell in love with food again. Plants are fucking great.

  • Tofu is made essentially the same way cheese curds are made, but using beans instead of dairy. It produces the iconic brick of compressed bean protein (and sometimes calcium depending on what catalyst is used). It’s existed for something like 2000 years, and Ben Franklin may have played a role in bringing it to the US.

    TVP is very different. It involves using solvents like hexane to remove most everything from the bean except the protein, and generally results in small amorphous chunks of material, or even tiny bits that are used as an alternative to ground up muscle tissues.

  • From the little I’ve seen of discussions, it depends on the implementation. I haven’t looked at the details yet, but apparently there are some groups who require at least an initial animal biopsy, and I think someone said something about some growth mediums requiring animal exploitation as well.

    Then there’s the animal testing side of things.

    Since both health and animal rights matter to me, I have no interest in consuming the stuff. If a commercially viable company emerges that can make these meats without any animal exploitation or suffering though, then I might recommend them to others.

  • Okay, let’s talk language. Colloquially, in our age, the word ‘milk’ is most commonly associated with the somewhat thick, off-white substance that is produced by cows, or any other substance with similar culinary properties. When we hear or read the word, the natural thing that comes to mind is of this substance, and meaningfully, that it is an object meant for human consumption.

    So if I, as a vegan, were to use the language that you want me to, it would mean reinforcing the idea that the stuff mother cows produce is a product meant for human consumption. You’re trying to push me into complying with the linguistic framework that legitimizes your perception of reality, and your misconduct. I do not accept that as legitimate, and since ‘milk’ to me implies something for human consumption, only plant milks are milk by my definition.

    I refer to the stuff cows produce in the most accurate way that I can - a specialized formula that is meant for the nutritional needs of calves, and most definitely not for human consumption. Baby cow formula.

    In the same way, the rotting carcasses of slaughtered animals, and their mutilated body parts are not “meat”, because meat also implies something meant for human consumption. Grains and legumes are my main source of “meat,” because again, I do not except the distorted perceptions of carnism.

    Now let’s take this topic more broadly. Are the words vegans use merely ‘edgy’, or is it an attempt to encapsulate the totality of how monumentally bad of a predicament you carnists are putting us in? “Chick culling” sounds almost innocuous. Why don’t you try looking up that term on YouTube, and see what that entails.

    Are you aware that in the US alone, over 11 billion animals have been killed for food already this year? The basic definition of a holocaust (not to be confused with the Holocaust) is a slaughter done on a mass scale. People frequently lose their minds when a vegan refers to the mass slaughter of animals as a holocaust, despite the fact that it is truly the largest, perpetual, mass slaughter in human history.

    That’s not even getting into the environmental destruction, and pandemic potential of this holocaust that you’re taking part in. Maybe you should check out the vegan communities and take more time to get educated on all the topics. You might come to realize that there is no language edgy enough to capture the full breadth of how awful carnism is.

