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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: February 4th, 2024

  • As a coincidence, much of my degree is about essentially the very topic you’re describing.

    The TL;DR of it is that yes, a lot of people (and children especially) are getting diagnosed with things they probably don’t really need to be diagnosed with. Especially recently autism is a really big one. People see their 5 year old act like a 5 year old and think “wow, I didn’t act like that! There must be something wrong with little Tommy here where he’s such a picky eater and he doesn’t do what I say sometimes and lashes out.”. It’s very easy to ‘shop around’ 3 or so different doctors and eventually find one that will get you the diagnosis you might consciously or subconsciously want. This isn’t limited to children, as a lot of teens and adults also often go “wow, I feel so awkward around people I don’t know, like I truly can’t relate to them. Sometimes I have weird habits and thoughts I don’t like.” And then they ‘shop’ for this diagnosis to have.

    ADHD is similar, just swap out traits associated with autism for things like “I can’t pay attention! It’s hard for me to just sit down and write a 15 page paper!” “I want to study for 5 hours straight but just can’t sit still!l When, yeah. Of course. Doing that just blows.

    Experts in this stuff acknowledge these patterns (in more formal wording) but the question is just… how do you combat it? I’m of the opinion that it’s not like doctors are being bought off en masse, they simply don’t see their patients all that much. All they have to go off of is the one hour or whatever that someone shouts their symptoms, and some doctors would rather have more false positives and others would rather have false negatives.

    I really don’t know how you deal with it in a way that isn’t just like “stigmatize mental illness again” because obviously we don’t want that either. It’s a tough problem.

  • I have a few irl friends who really like RFK Jr. and it’s a really interesting dynamic. Because they’re almost exclusively just kind of like… dude bros who do not really pay attention to politics… but RFK phrases almost everything he does so vaguely and ephemerally that I think it tricks people into thinking he’s got it all figured out.

    Like Joe Biden and even Donald Trump typically will list some specific policies or actions they want to do to reach a goal. Subsidize EVs to combat climate change, provide federal funding to make community college free, build the wall, whatever. RFK almost exclusively just says “we…. Should make housing…. Cheaper and more available… and also…? It’s time we end all the unjust violence…”

    It’s all just such vague platitudes that I think people see just that and think “wow, he’s the only sane candidate!”

    Then you dive into his actual views and it’s like… ‘antidepressants actually cause school shootings’

  • Rulings often start at the corporation / large major entity level and work their way down to the individual. Think piracy laws. At first, only giant, clear bootlegging operations were really prosecuted for that, and then people torrenting content for profit, and then people torrenting large amounts of content for free - and now we currently exist in an environment where you can torrent a movie or whatever and probably be fine, but also if the criminal justice system wants to they can (and have) easily hit anyone who does with a charge for tens of thousands of dollars or years of jail time.

    Will it happen to the vast majority of people who torrent media casually? No. But we currently exist in an environment where if you get unlucky enough or someone wants to punish you for it enough, you can essentially have this massive sentence handed down to you almost “at random”.

  • Yeah man. Even if you loan it to them you shouldn’t be charged.

    Lmfao okay yeah sure man. No one is this year. See you in 10. I know it’s easy to want to retreat to kind of a naive “this would never happen to ME!” worldview, and yeah. It probably won’t. But you have to consider all the innocent people it unjustly will happen to in coming years.

    Also, not what a strawman is. You’re not really good at this.

    Also you still can’t respond to anything not related to guns. All those VPN and torrenting points went right over your head huh? Convenient. When you get busted for talking about how to store “several TB of photos” to some guy that turns out to be hoarding CP I hope the “assisted in preserving pedophilic content” charge rests easy on you

  • “Sorry bro. I’d love to go target shooting with you, but you started taking Vynase 6 months ago and I’m worried if you blow your brains out the state will throw me in prison for 15 years”.

    Besides, youre ignoring the point. This article isn’t about a gun, it’s about basically “this person saw content we didn’t make on our website”. You think that wont be extended to general content sent from a person to another? That if you send some pro-Palestine articles to your buddy and then a year or two later your buddy gets busted at an anti-Zionist rally and now you’re a felon because you enabled that? Boy, that would be an easy way for some hypothetical future administrations to control speech!!

    You might live in a very nice bubble, but not everyone will.