We all know this was the only right answer
We all know this was the only right answer
So I was fat (really fat, not chubby)and had a very good financial situation before COVID, so I hired a personal trainer, went to the most tech gym, went to the same nutritionist as the bodybuilding team , and the “star” dermatologist (with all her expensive treatments) No joke, in 1 year I was fitness and beautiful. You wouldn’t believe. When Covid hit I got fat again but now I know, nobody is really ugly, you are only poor. If you have money you can be whoever you want in the time frame that you want
Are they? or they want to be exactly because they think linke this? They want perfect supermodel women even though they look like shrek and any woman that is not flawless is “a crime and should die”. I’m not even talking about ugly woman, if a girl has acne, is chubbier, wear glasses etc they are “too ugly for them”. They have mental issues thara are just exploited by rogans and tates, not victims
Central goes from Guatemala to Panama. Mexico still.north america, that’s what I learned at school, unless americans change it.
I have a Elegoo and I really love it. Going 2 years and no problems, didn’t even change the fep yet
I’m sorry to ask, but how old are you? The level of fucked does varies
webMD says you dying in 24 hours
and not delete the previous videos
The other day, on work lunch, someone mentioned that their cousin bought a 3d printer and it was “so cool” and I said “yeah I have 2” and nothing more. That was very hard
Luberjack porn?! tell me more about this
All the people I see that make money show up naked in the back lol.
i wear pants that fit me
My feet are super cute but the rest of me is trash, so rent for me. to the job i go
Im a process auditor, so they would probably understand but would think my job is not necessary ( can’t blame)
No but “god” is in you?!
oh i’m sorry, i didn’t mean I think you are better than me. YOU think you are. I def don’t lol
Oh no, it is my fault, I’m just saying that with money the effort is WAAAAYYYYY less. Believe me, speaking from experience. I can’t pay all that right now and it’s being a chalenge, even using all the knowledge I have