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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Oh I am well aware, I just wanted to call out this bullshit behaviour because it’s frankly the major reason why the right keeps gaining support.

    The left looks weak, disharmonious, and more preoccupied with adventist “after the revolution” bullshit than with actually explaining their ideas and more importantly their policy positions.

    The average rightoid has very quick and snappy numbers and policies they can rattle off at a moment’s notice, with (often simplistic or even incorrect) explanations as to how and why they will work.

    Meanwhile I have seen so much fucking economic illiteracy about UBI and the labor theory of value and their relationship to scarcity and actual economics on this site it makes me want to jump out of a window.

    Right wingers are at least able to explain a leftist point of view. Their explanation will probably be unflattering, but it will be more or less accurate. I have not seen a single leftist (and this is why I decided to poke here) being able to do the same. When faced with an unaligned or questioning person their only recourses are shaming/cautioning (like in this case) or condemning as already an enemy anyway.

    I am a liberal, so depending on how far left you are, I am either already a fascist, or I’m a fascist in potentia. Believe it or not, I am neither, and would much rather the left do its part in contrasting the rise of fascism rather than enabling it by being a terrible at opposing it, which includes winning the battle for the hearts and minds of the people, which y’all are doing really poorly at right now.

  • That’s just not factual, at all.

    • They have 2 successful e-sport leagues (DotA and CS)
    • They made and maintain steamvr, and released the Index not even 5 years ago, which is fully cross-compatible with older hardware like the Vive.
    • They develop Proton and Vulkan, which are open source, to boot
    • They still support TF2 with content and balance patches.
    • They’re developing Source 2 and just ported CS to it.
    • They released one of the best VR games on the market at the time in HL: Alyx

    All of this, plus the steampowered ecosystem and the deck, and not counting all the R&D we know they do through interviews and articles which hasn’t manifested into commercial products yet.

    There are valid criticisms of Valve, but them not doing things with their money is not one of them and just betrays how ignorant of their body of work you actually are.

  • Raising the floor doesn’t mean raising all wages.if when raising minimum wage every other wage were increased by the same amount you’d see a very different pattern.

    Also, nowhere tried UBI uniformly to every member of the country. The problem with UBI is that testing it with a subset of the population doesn’t have any predictive power because these people individually exist in a society that doesn’t have UBI.

    Think about it this way: the lowest amount of money a person needs to survive is your break even point. Ideally, your minimum wage should be a little higher than that so people can save some money for emergencies etc.

    For the sake of ease of use let’s make that our unit of value, call it 1L for Life.

    So, every person working (ideally) receives at least 1L, if you’re not working you either have savings worth 1L for the span of time you won’t work, or you’ll have to incur debt or other hardships.

    Now, if you took absolutely everyone, working or not, and gave them, say, 0.5L for free, this won’t raise the floor, it’ll mean everyone will.amke at least 1.5L if working, 0.5L if not.

    This leads to either lowering of wages back to a level where the total is closer to 1L, or the increase of the minimum cost of living to 1.5L, or more likely a mix of the two.

    The reason why money is valuable isn’t random, it’s because money is finite and scarce.

    The amount everyone has is the null amount whether that is 0 or 100L, because it’s the differential between your income and that null amount that gives it purchasing power.

    Look at the effects of the covid stimulus and bailouts on purchasing power, and you’ll see a much closer result to an actual UBI than looking at the european UBI trials which ended up being much closer to randomly giving welfare to people than actual UBI.