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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023

  • Oh I know that voice!

    It was the one that told me to “stop torquing now!” When I ended up breaking a crossed bolt off in an awkward blind spot on the side of my engine…so now the VTT solenoid is held in by a little epoxy. Because otherwise the engine would have to be removed and a machinist would likely need to just destroy and rethread that thing.

    Oh, the shame…

    No I’m not a mechanic, I’m just not “pay a mechanic $600 to install a $40 part” rich. :D

    But this is exactly why I won’t get into something like electricianship or other dangerous stuff. ADHD sometimes just squelches that little voice and I’m left asking myself why I did something so stupid and wishing I could go back 10 seconds.

    If the consequences were life or death? Yeah no way I don’t need a sudden brain-lapse killing/maiming me or someone else.

  • Oh geeze, so much. “Hey just grab Signal real quick, it’s super simple and private and SMS seems to get worse as time goes on anyway. Plus I can send you better pictures and videos!”

    “Lol meh why you tryin to sell it to me.”

    It’s weird, the things people really dig in their heels on. They’ll download apps for the silliest thing but “another chat app” is such an inconvenience.

    It’s the only reason I think reddit dot com still resolves at all anymore. If the users weren’t the product, to both the company and other users, better alternatives would be the norm by now.

  • Correct. But that’s the issue right now. People look at the equation all wrong and say “I just wish I could get more hours!” instead of fighting for reasonable pay. If hours go down but pay doesn’t go up to compensate, a ton of people will actually get hit really hard by this and their lives will get worse instead of better.

    Companies can use that tired, stupid line that “Washington says you don’t have the eagle-screeching-freedom-right to WORK! How dare they!” and people will buy it.

    We don’t want that, because it’ll turn workers against worker-friendly politics, and that would be a Very Bad Thing, given the level of job-simp-indoctrination we’re already combating! :O

  • Well. Geeze. Scrolling through all the “heehee old tech” posts and now I feel like we’re all sitting around a campfire in something like “The Last of Us” or “Metro 2033” talking about the world that was…

    You sure bring up excellent points though. The world needs to know while there’s still something left to save…