Carbon based. Not overly precocious.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Sorry your hyperbolic fear mongering isn’t quite enough to manipulate me … everything will remain the same.

    Unless of course Trump runs roughshod over the rule of law, and exacts revenge on his political rivals. As he has stated he will do if elected. He is not asking to be a dictator, he is stating that he is going to be.

    So basically the opposite of “everything will remain the same”.

    Don’t get me wrong, if it happens I’ll be first in line with a rifle to fight it, but I highly doubt it.

    I also highly doubt that you would fight back in any way. You’re extremely comfortable with the premise that this is just like every other election; if that were so, then why are you suggesting that you’d fight?

  • In this case, crying wolf means nor wanting Donald Trump to become president. The guy who stated clearly that he wants to be dictator (but only for a day apparently, so no worries), stated that some migrants trying to get into the states are not human, wants to exact revenge on his political rivals, and incites violence in his supporters whenever he doesn’t get his way (and even when he does get his way).

    Oh, yeah I almost forgot to mention that he’s a Russian asset, and has already sold state secrets. Colloquially, that’s known as treason.

    Getting a little “boy who cried wolf”-y in here.

    Getting a little dismissive of existential threats to democracy in here.

  • I can assure you I’m not Russian, I live in LA, I’m gay, and I’m far left.

    Your assurance isn’t worth shit. Your body of work here speaks for itself.

    Blame them for writing the articles if you’re mad.

    But they were aggregated and shared by you.

    They also write blistering reports on Donald Trump, regarding the multiple legal cases against him, him parroting Hitler’s playbook, and basically trying to incite a civil war or secretarian violence.

    Apparently, that’s not very important to you. Amplifying “Biden is bad” signals is of the utmost importance to you. Avoiding concrete criticism of Donald Trump at all cost is important to you.

    That’s essentially the brief for a troll tasked with suppressing the vote to boost the chances of Donald Trump winning.

    So ya, you’re a troll, and nothing more.

  • Here we go again… “you’re a Russian bot/Trumper/Republican because you’re critical of Biden!”


    Gets called out very specifically for shitting on Biden, not shitting on Trump, while simultaneously claiming to be a leftist.

    Responds by doing anything but saying a bad word about Trump. Maintains laser focus on criticism of Biden.

    Like a leftist.


    I’d fire your troll farm. This is seriously low grade.

  • Scanning your posts, I see tons of direct shots at Biden, and just about no posts about Trump, with the exception of signs of rising support for Trump among such and such group, how global markets are planning for Trump, and so on.

    Absolutely nothing warmer than a backhanded complement for Biden, a net narrative of Trump gaining ground amongst various demos that don’t vote Republican.

    I’m not a Democrat

    I believe this.

    and I’m not a Republican.

    You might be, or you might be a troll in a factory. The rhetoric overlaps; so whether you’re a republican or not is irrelevant.

    I’m far left

    Of course you are.