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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 4th, 2023


  • I wonder if some kind of hidden visual data could be embedded within AI images - like a QR code that can be read by computers but is invisible to humans.

    Said protection would also be hilariously weak. It would be easy for malicious actors to strip/alter the metadata of the image. And embedding the flag in the image itself is something that can be circumvented by using a model that doesn’t apply any flag.

    We’re about to live in a world where nobody can tell truth from fiction.

  • The most organized action would be a rogue actor. Those mostly only exist on the side that’s heavy into personal rights and its less evident on the side that cares about everyone’s rights.

    I agree, however individuals action is and never will be enough. There is a critical mass of the population needed.

    If a pipeline gets blown up by a rogue actor, the oil industry shrugs and rebuilds 100 more miles of pipeline. If a yacht gets arsoned, the billionaire gets insurance to pay for it and/or gets another 3 yachts. And in each case the rogue actor is pretty much guaranteed to be thrown in jail.

    The rich will always just carry on in the face of one off rogue actors.

    If you care about others… Then you care about others. Makes a person less likely to go rogue or violent. Been like this since what? The 60’s?

    If your family is starving to death, you’re gonna take up that grievance with the French government, especially if all your neighbors are having the same issues. Your attachment to your children and spouse becomes a reason to revolt because loved ones are in immediate danger of starvation.

    As of right now, that’s not happening. People are nutritionally starved, but not enough people are starving starving to do something about it.

    It’s when enough people are directly affected that they hit critical mass. Social media (like this) is a drug that tells us we’re doing something when almost always… We aren’t. We’re commiserating, but not planning, organizing turnout, or anything else that would directly help the downtrodden.


  • Revolution only really comes when people have nothing left to lose. The French revolution got kicked off because everyone was starving. The American revolution because the English were killing civilians in the streets and basically robbing people.

    But those revolutions happened in a time when cameras and internet surveillance didn’t exist. Back then if you killed a French guard or a British officer, your chances of getting caught were far lower. Nowadays there are no third places, private, in person discussion makes a minority of discussion. So the only real place left to get people to join your cause is the internet, but if you make credible plans, the government puts you on a list, swoops in, and jails you, because they surveil the internet like a hawk.

    The end result being there is no real pathway towards a revolution. Nobody wants to stick their neck out when they still have shiny possessions and their loved ones arent in imminent danger. So all that’s left is generic comments like “eat the rich” and “its time for guillotines”.

    Shit is going to have to get a whole lot worse before people start doing something.