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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 6th, 2023

  • Different religions represent fundamental-truths in different forms/ways.

    Thoth was a hominid-shaped form for karma.

    Thoth had 2 demands of the lives that Thoth judged:

    • you used your human-life honestly/intensely, so you didn’t just waste it coasting-by
    • your heart be lighter than a feather, aka you earned/evolved honesty & integrity.

    AwakeSoulism/Buddhism did-away with the hominid/animal forms, representing the fundamental-forces/principles, but they kept the same fundamental-forces/principles.

    1. There is no point in coasting through human-life, because all the other kinds-of-lives a Soul/ChildOfGod/CellOfGod/Continuum/ParticleOfBrahmanFieldOfFundamentalAwareness … are lacking in the perfect intersection between
    • suffering inducing motivation, &
    • capacity/opportunity, making motivation have “fertile soil”

    Below human-category, lives don’t have our diversity-of-senses, our considered-reasoning ( Kahneman System-2, from “Thinking Fast & Slow” ), & above human-category, sentience isn’t so circumstance-constrained, or semi-helpless, as to warrant earning real-change.

    ( I accidentally earned previous-Soul-memories, of other kinds of lives, back in the 1990’s, and when I discovered what those strange memories were, that nuked ALL the Abrahamic religions from objective-validity, and forced me into years of worldview-evolution, to meet/earn/hold-to the data/evidence.

    Non-autistics just ignore the contradicting evidence, the way Scientism does, with its cartoon oversimplifications, but I’d rather be autistic me, than be any normal, any day or eon. )

    1. ignorance/Soul-ignorance/ignosis blocks one’s Soul/CellOfGod from ever escaping the experience-enforcing-learning “machine” that endless-stream-of-Universes is, so if one wants to be released from contained-in-the-churn-of-phenomena, one needs to earn making one’s mind only out of kinds-of-mind that ignosis, & death, cannot grip on.
    • Faithing ( surrendering-entirely-to-higher-power, relying-entirely-on-higher-power, being-gratitude-for-its-nonself-centered-giving-of-helping )
    • Wisdom-piercing-ignorance-of-NoSelfInherentExistence
    • Bodhichitta, immeasurable-compassion-for-all-continuums-and–sentiences-but-controlled-by-wisdom’s-seeing-through-narcissism-etc.

    Those 3 substances-of-mind are all “lighter than a feather”, and therefore grant release-from-Soul-containment, when they are pure/absolute enough.

    To simply “climb Jacob’s Ladder”, however, is a worthy accomplishment, itself!

    Therefore, dying with a heart lighter than it had been before one’s life, was earned improvement: evolution.

    This should give the concept underlying Thoth.

    Goddess Isis was simply their culture’s representation for LivingSpirit, at one time.

    Oh, this need be said: differentiate between the root-idea, vs the soap-opera-accretions that “society” asserts onto such ones…

    E.g. for Hinduism to simultaneously hold that Shiva is

    • absolute, beyond-Universe YOGA, capable of altering the fundamental structure of Universes so that evolution can happen ( holding evil in abeyance, lodged in Shiva’s throat, after “drinking” it ) AND
    • incompetent to perceive soap-opera machiavellianism, and so ambush-assaulted into “completely losing control” & massacring everybody in the region, before putting their lives back, when Shiva regained control…

    Logic prohibits those 2 from coinciding, but Hinduism’s been disallowing logic, on that point, for many many centuries.

    Learn to cut-out the accretions-of-guff from the original-principles, when they’re still findable.

    Another example of that same principle is:

    Genesis, in the Abrahamic bible,

    Women ate “the fruit of The Knowledge of Good & Evil”, WHICH MEANS MORALITY,

    & shared morality with men.

    Male-culture’s bullying, of course, deliberately altered the scripture in order to put jealousy in God’s mouth, to justify accusing women of “eternal sin” in earning morality.

    Altruism is generalized mothering.

    Wasp-researchers from Bristol & Exeter universities, in Panama, discovered this.

    AwakeSoulism/Buddhism declared it 25 consecutive centuries ago.

    The proper reading of that story in Genesis shows it was originally in the root scripture, but got “graffitti’d” out by the male religion-authorities, through the past 12-ish millenia ( since the FLOOD which ended the last ice-age, drowning all the coastal civilization, now findable only through SCUBA diving, offshore, at 50’ up-to 400’ deep ).

    Beware the contaminations, & especially beware when entire factions have their “identity” welded onto the deliberate-contamination, instead of the underlying Truth … there you get the “religious” ideological/prejudice genocides, that the last few millenia have been filled-with.

  • The smaller the price-point target,

    the bigger a chunk of it that each embedded component eats.

    The markup/licensing for the GPU in a little device can be a significant percentage of that little device’s potential-profit-margin.

    Same as a $6 markup isn’t significant on a $1000 thing, whereas it IS significant, when the target-price is only $10, and now you’re left with $4 for all-your-contribution.

    I’ve discovered that the good heart-rate sensors cost in the $30 range, whereas the shit ones are much much less.

    So, if I were to put into production a fitness-trainer that used the proper equations, & didn’t do any spying on people ( as Fitbit & smartwatches do ), then I’d need to … either create a shit product, or bite the bullet & get the good sensors.

    I can’t afford to create my own sensors, see?

    Maybe Sega can afford to make their own GPU.

    Do keep in mind that there already has been a opensourcehardware GPU, iirc, some years ago ( shit performance, but if it’s public-IP, and it can be significantly-improved-on, then it’s possible )


  • “Zombies” are just an unconscious-mind metaphor for unreasoning ideological/prejudice mobarchy “rabies”.

    Proletariat/populist ( left/right: they are equivalently-destructive ) dictatorship highjacked your country?

    Rampaging mobs butchering & burning your books, your infrastructure ( shooting electrical substations, hospitals, school-lunch-programs, civil-rights protection ), & your citizenry?

    That’s what real “zombies” are.

  • You’re missing a point, though:


    Say you get dictatorship of all-you-value-and-agree-with, but 20y later it turns into something that hates all you are…

    Dictatorship’s only useful for correcting ( e.g. for chopping-out all-pervading corruption … I don’t think any “democracy” ever could clean-up Northern Mexico, e.g. ), but it has to be dictatorship that is committed to eradicating dictatorship, strategically, in the long-run, including itself.

    The dictatorship/democracy question is actually a specific remapping of another question:

    Which is “better”?

    • consensus-rule
    • capable chain-of-command


    The true answer is:

    It depends on the situation!!

    Got all the time in the world? Consensus’s your answer.

    Ship’s sinking, & you need to stop that happening, NOW?? Capable chain-of-command’s your answer.

    Will the world’s human-viability situation get SO bad that only benevolent-dictatorship CAN save a remnant of humankind??

    Also, “democracy” only allows attacking corruption down to a level that doesn’t threaten the deep corruption: once any “democracy” threatens that deep roots-level corruption, then …

    Sorry, no more anti-corruption allowed. …

    Only appearances are allowed to change, iow, and that’s a human socio-political law underlying all cultures, East, West, civilian, military, corporate, not-for-profit, religious, atheist/anti-theist, ALL of them.

    I read, years ago, that the surest way to get a prison to riot, is to prevent the “blowing off steam” petty-crimes/cheats/underground-economy in it.

    Once you prevent the petty-criminality-economy from working, pressure BUILDS, until killing is happening.

    Like clockwork.

    “Acceptable” civilization/society’s the same way, kinda.

    You either accommodate the criminality underlying acceptable-appearances, or it will BREAK your life & your cleaning-up action.

    ( this principle doesn’t mean that removing corruption isn’t possible, it does mean that there needs to be a spectrum of “OK…not-ok” for people to experiment in/with, in order to … it translates from thoughtshapes into English as “discover their underlying selves/natures”, but I’m not certain that’s a good/complete rendition of it )

    Dictatorship seems to be the only possible means of breaking corruption-is-the-underlying-law, but it’d have to be dictatorship of someone who had non-human nature, or more-precisely, who didn’t have the normal human unconscious-ignorance-protecting instinct.

    Good luck finding such a someone.

    Normal AwakeSoulist/Buddhist monks/nuns aren’t anywhere-near that level, though true Zen-masters are ( that level means having shed/destroyed one’s unconscious-LifeMind’s ignorance-substance identity-crystal … that was the basis for both their ego & their projected mirage-nature SurfaceMind, which no-longer has any existence/basis ).

    Human-process is a process, right?

    How could a dictatorship be a mundane human dictatorship, & simultaneously keep tracking what humankind actually requires, in order to keep evolving, at pace, while ClimatePunctuation, economic-conditions, ecological-butchery, geopolitics, etc, all keep changing?

    You’re categorically looking at something outside of mundane-human, then.

    _ /\ _

  • The countermeasure to this was published, years ago, in a book “Who Gets What, & Why”, or something like that, on markets, & how they work.

    Millisecond-algorithmic-trading can be broken from all advantage simply by recording trades in 1-SECOND batches.

    Instead of seeing the weird event that happened a few years ago, where … 40% of the market’s value disappeared in minutes, & reappeared, as different algorithms 1st sold-off, then bought-in, to companies… ( essentially concentrating wealth quicker than any human could possibly do it ),

    it is the slope of the curve that the timing-algorithms are riding.

    By changing it from continuous-process to 1-second-batches, you simply break that millisecond-trading category from our markets.

    ( 1-second is an eon to the millisecond-traders.

    I’d say that it’d have to be rejigged, dynamically, in order to put humans & machines on more-equal footing.

    Possibly a 4-second cycle would balance fairness to human-traders & machines )

    _ /\ _

  • It isn’t intended to stop at smashing Taiwan.

    All of Asia’s the target.

    Global-domination’s the goal.

    “the destruction of the West is the midwife of Chinese dominion” or something like that, from a few decades ago, a general’s words.

    I don’t know of ANY government on this planet that is stratically-altruistic, and most are openly machiavellian/sociopathic-psychopathic/nihilist(globally, re ClimatePunctuation).

    The more people are investing-in dealing-with making-believing, because that’s more comforting than actuality,

    the LESS actuality evolves to match the making-believing, because of useless wasting-of-opportunity.

    Objectivity’s the most-effective traction humankind’s got, and making-believing just throws opportunity down the sewer.

    Short-term-ism’s going to butcher nearly-all lives on this planet, this century.

    It’s setting-up “nicely”, what with

    • the ClimatePunctuation still accelerating,
    • the food-chains ( both terrestrial & marine ) being butchered as quickly/efficiently as possible, by money’s lack of care,
    • the political-tantrum/pogrom,
    • the religious-tantrum/pogrom,
    • the aggressive sabotage-of-governing of both left & right’s Leninism/Murdochism, with their “proletariat dictatorship”/“populist dictatorship” rule
    • the nationalism-religions providing identity-“security”, by displacing reason’s anxiety…

    It really is too bad that only “journalism”, … which treats gaslighting as equally-valid to fact, … remains, in the for-profit-“journalism” world…

    Actual journalism, which stuck to objectivity, called gaslighters gaslighters ( locally & other governments, both ), etc, wasn’t allowed to live, by money, so it’s gone.

    And, when actual-journalism’s gone, then you’re “driving the runaway bus while hallucinating/on-drugs”, and the disconnect keeps getting more & more profound/complete…

    “business is booming!” while underemployment & homelessness skyrocket, & businesses keep going bankrupt, because the supply-chain’s disintegrating…

    I remember that screencap someone did, early-Covid, which showed 2 headlines in the same image:

    • 1 was in the “stock markets climb drastically” vein,

    • the other was in the “unemployment & homelessness reach new heights” vein,

    & they were both run by the same company as headlines??

    Gaslighting’s the only industry dominant in our world, now, it looks like…

    Russian dictatorship intends to butcher all of Eastern Europe that it can, because possession is the ONLY part of the law that it feels valid.

    China’s committed to doing something similar through all of Asia, & Modi’s Hindutva India’s in China’s sights, just as Tibet was, just as Nepal, Bangladesh, South Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, ALL of them are.

    Give it another decade, & see what’s left, outside of the 3-ish major empires that will be butchering-all-who-are-in-their-way.

    Our nature hasn’t changed in the last 12 millenia, so why would our actual-behavior?

    Our unconscious-toddler’s committed to enforcing its “greatness”, and some politicians embody that current, & win on that embodying-our-unconscious-toddler, because much of humankind would rather be identifying-with the ruling-toddler than tolerate others to live, so it’s an identity thing, not rational.

    Also, ask yourself this:

    IF China can’t possess all of Asia, does it make sense to permit the West to make any use of the un-possessed portions of Asia?

    XOR does it make more Chinese Dominion sense to smash/butcher them all, who won’t be the possessed-property of CCP?

    Which would gut the West’s dominion more?

    When you understand the answer to that question, then you begin understanding what the world’s going to be looking-like, 1 decade+ on…

    Welcome to The Great Filter.

    _ /\ _

  • Paragone@lemmy.worldtoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldWar and Genocide?
    6 months ago

    I think the point you raise is valid,


    given the overlap between “nation” & country, sometimes the only way to win a war is to break a specific nation/population, … and if that nation/population is enforcing-genociding, … then you have to break the genociding-nation/population, to break the genociding.

    ( I’m thinking of Assad, in Syria, & his minority-nation who’s genociding everybody else, with Russia’s help )

    The problem then comes-down-to one’s intent, & its implimentation:

    When Gen Schwartzkopf ordered the West-fighting-Iraq coalition’s murdering of all the Iraqi people who were running away, in the “Road of Death” incident at the end of that war, costing the West very much loyalty from the Middle East, from what I’ve been told, that was us genociding them.

    Petty, vindictive, unjustifiable, evil: all such judgements stick on our act, then.

    But in cases where the genociding is being enforced by a locally-dominant-group, like Russia in south & east Ukraina, or Israel in Palestine…

    then the objective answer, is that you have humanitarian-moral-obligation to break the genociding-regime, & enforce some neutral-government, for however many generations it takes ( min-3 ) to de-power-through-forced-retirement the grudge-religion-holders, from that nation/population…

    … but that’ll never happen: politics.

    Breaking the genociding-regime doesn’t require genociding them, tho.

    That is important.

    ( or, at least, it doesn’t have a principle requiring exterminating them:

    it may, in actuality, require exterminating them, given how rabid ideology/prejudice can be.

    Since humankind is heading back towards “biblical” rabid-prejudice-enforcement, globally,

    it looks like humankind’s going to be exterminating humankind, as completely as possible, each faction trying to genocide all the “weaker” or “nonvalid” others, until by-attrition, there’s simply nobody left, while ClimatePunctuation continues accelerating, until there’s no-anything left, on this planet.

    Brutally-blunt question:

    IF 80% of humankind would rather break ALL humankind’s viability, permanently, killing-off humankind in order to “make a (ideological/political/religious) statement”,

    & only 20% of humankind would adapt-to-ClimatePunctuation in order that future-generations be allowed to live their own lives,

    doesn’t this mean that genociding-ALL-others is the root-answer for the 80% & the 20% is forced into trying to genocide the 80%, in order to protect the possibility of future-lives??

    It’s actually coming down to that.

    Wait a few more years: wait until Trump’s been GEOTUS for 3y, & then see if there is ANYthing mitigating that war-of-attrition exterminating all factions, helter skelter, globally…

    I think the world will crystalize into 4, factions/empires, who will then set about exterminating ALL their enemies, & fractally-dividing, again & again, until there’s either 1 or 0 factions left alive.

    The Great Filter, iow, doing its job ( preventing rabid-ideological-toddlers-with-nukes from infecting the galaxy ).

    It’s been surprising me how sluggish the process is, I kept thinking it would happen quicker than it has been, but now that I understand how slow unconscious-mind process is, and it is the “tectonic force” making this happen … now I think I’ve finally got understanding of just how glacial its destruction of our world is…

    Rough/approximate map:

    • 2024… Economic-house-of-cards collapses, Repubs win, use some legalism-trick to get Trump to “legally” be President.

    • 2028… Trump finally has psychically altered to the degree that now there’s no rule-of-legalism, anymore, it’s rule-of-Trump with legalism being haphazardly used as a weapon. US Civil War Part2 is now in full swing. Trump’s actively gutted NATO & is actively backing Russia.

    • 2035-ish… US is finished, the butchery is becoming insane, & no economy can function anymore in it.

    • some natural-disaster, possibly sea-of-hurricanes, possibly tsunami, ripping-out the remains of the West’s economic significance ( notice that Greenland’s icemelt floods the North Atlantic, not the globe, so +1m of water globally means that 1st the North Atlantic gets +4?m flooding, then it redistributes, through the following centuries, to the rest of the globe, so it’s the Developed World that gets smashed through ClimatePunctuation 1st, not Russia, China, or the Islamists )

    • now, NATO is gutted, & in tatters, the mega-hurricane-season ( or tsunami, or whatever ) has ruptured the remains of the US’s economy, … what will the Russia/China/Islamist destroy-the-West alliance do?


    With ALL they got!!

    They’d be imbeciles to not try breaking the West’s lives to shrapnel, given their intent/goal!

    Then the real ww3 begins, & just keeps-going, decade on decade on decade on decade, war-of-attrition, until the food-chain collapses, both terrestrial & marine, then things get bad

    I think the scientifically-testable-predictions/“prophecies” in the Christian bible ( some of 'em, anyways ) match the unfolding-facts, too-well.

    Anyways, that’s what looks to be obviously-unfolding.

    One has to keep the 2-layers in mind!

    The unconscious-ignorance-melodrama, enacting its “biblical”/mythical tantrum/pogrom-script, vs the veneer of politics slathered on top of the underlying reality, but once one does, it becomes clear:

    humankind’s enacting a script that human-unconsciousmind committed-to millenia ago, and there’s no getting humankind off the “rails” that were set-in-stone long before Buddha was born.

    Humankind’s going to enact that script, no matter what the price is, for whom.

    It is, essentially, human-unconscious-ignorance committing to breaking/genociding the entire planet in order to “break God & MAKE GOD OBEY!!1!” through tantrum/pogrom.

    Once an unconsciousmind has committed everything to that, … you’re looking at an addict whose life is being run-over/destroyed by their addiction.

    It’s going to happen.

    So, again: the question:

    Given that genociding is the ideology/prejudice of the nihilists, is the only “defense” against their genociding & breaking our planet … the deliberate/systematic genociding of the nihilists?


    I bet that much of humankind’s viability will be “flushed away down the sewer” by the time that the 20% ( or their remains ) commit to the actual-equation!

    The nihilists don’t have that problem, do they?

    Keep watching the evidence of ClimatePunctuation’s acceleration, and understand that it’ll continue accelerating for decades before stabilizing, then slowing-from-that to a decades-or-centuries-later stabilization at a new planet-equilibrium-temperature…

    It isn’t +2C planet-degrees, it is +9C planet-degrees we’re looking-at, and all the resource-wars, all the can’t-live-here-wars ( California & Texas are both going to be uninhabitable in a decade or 2 ), all “obliging” genociding of “the others”…

    Read Kahneman’s “Thinking Fast & Slow” & understand that the more this global sociopolitical-process progresses, the more everybody’s in Kahneman1 mind ( imprint->reaction ), & the less that considered-reasoning ( Kahneman2 ) mind has ANY say in anything…

    and understand that it’s more like an automatic-mechanism, once it goes far-enough: there’s no “thinking” anymore, it’s all just reacting

    and if all that remains is reacting, then … genociding is the only “answer” remaining, to that kind of mind.

    Ideological rabies, as a global-epitaph.

    There is a kind of elegance to it, though: Universe forcing that our rabies be our means of exterminating ourself, so we cannot contaminate other solar-systems…

    The Great Filter.

    No matter: the Souls currently having our-lives … will do it again, on some other world … eventually.

    World after world after world,

    only 1/n getting past the Filter, and those who do earn getting past it … would be changed, wouldn’t they?

    changed in instinct.

    They’d have total inhibition against being the rampaging-toddler-ignorance that we are, so they’d be functionally a distinct race/species.

    : )


    • they are incompetent, & not understanding Branding, at all ( read the books of Al Ries on Branding, Marketing, Focus, etc, and that book on Focus is the core of why LinkedIn is now hosed )


    • somebody in upper-management there is a trojan, the same as Steve Ballmer got a trojan into Nokia, as a means of harvesting all sorts of patent-rights while destroying Nokia ( what Citadel & Boston Consulting Group did to Sears is the same, except that Citadel was shorting it, instead of getting a sea of patent-licenses )

    ( well, OK, the combination of both is actually-possible, but less-likely? )

    In either case, what they’re doing, besides Microsofting the joint, ( the verb “to Microsoft” means to highjack/trojan/enshittify/rot-all-value-from a company through partial/total ownership ), is they are making-certain that whatever competitor should appear on the horizon, Microsoft is stacking-odds FOR that competitor, against LinkedIn.

    Same as how MySpace made certain that people disliked it enough to suddenly-jump-ship when Facebook came around…


    CORE Anti-strategy.

    We evidently haven’t figured-out how to test for strategic intelligence, yet, as it obviously has nothing, whatsoever, to do with SAT++.

  • I figure they can either help or harm, depending on implementation:

    Huggingface ( I always think of the “face-huggers” in Alien, when I see that name… and have NO idea why they thought that association would be a Good Thing™ ) has a LLM which apparently can do Sanskrit.

    Consider, though:

    All the Indigenous languages, where we’ve only actually got a partial-record of the language, and the “majority rule, minority extinguishes” “answer” of our normal process … obliterated all native speakers of that language ( partly through things like residential-schools, etc )…

    now it becomes possible to have an LLM for that specific language, & to study the language, even though we’ve only got a piece of it.

    This is like how we’ve sooo butchered the ecology that we can only study pieces of it, now, there’s simply too-much missing from what was there a few centuries ago, so we’re not looking at the origina/proper thing, either in ecologies or in languages.


    This wasn’t supposed to be depressing.

    Consider how search-engines have altered how we have to communicate…

    In order to FORCE a search-engine to consider a pair-of-words to be a single-term, you have to remove all intervening space/hyphens/symbols from between them.

    ClimatePunctuation is a single search-token, but “Climate Punctuation” is two separate, unrelated terms, which may or may-not appear in the results.

    It’s obscene.

    I’m almost mad-enough to want legislation forcing search-engines to respect some kind of standard set of defaults ( add more terms == narrowing the search, ie defaulting to Boolean AND, as one example ),

    so they’d stop enshittifying our lives while “pretending” that they’re helping.

    ( there was a Science news site which would not permit narrowing-of-search, and I hope they fscking died.

    Making search unusable on a science site??

    probably some “charity” who pays most of their annual-budget to their administration, & only exists for their entitlement.

    I’m saying that after having encountered that religion in charities. )


    search-engines alter our use-of-language,

    social-sites do too,

    LLM’s do too,

    marketing/propaganda does,

    astroturfing does,

    … it begins looking like real events are … rather-insignificant … influences in our languages?


  • such tests are not standardized tests of intelligence, they are standardized tests of specific-competencies.

    Thomas Armstrong’s got a book “7 Kinds of Smart, revised”, on 9 intelligences ( he kept the same title, but added 2 more ).

    Social/relational intelligence was not included in IQ because it is one that girls have, but us guys tend to not have, so the men who devised IQ … just never considered it to have any validity/significance.

    Just as it is much easier to make a ML that can operate a commuter-train fuel-efficiently, than it is to get a human, with general function, to compete at that super-specialized task, each specialized-competency-test is going to become owned by some AI.

    Full-self-driving being the possible exception, simply because there are waaaaay too many variables, & general competence seems to be required for that ( people deliberately driving into AI-managed vehicles, people throwing footballs at AI-managed vehicles, etc, it’s lunacy to think that AI’s going to get that kind of nonsense perfect.

    I’d settle for 25% better-than-us. )

    Just because an AI can do aviation-navigation more-perfectly than I can, doesn’t mean that the test should be taken off potential-pilots, though:

    Full-electrical-system-failures do happen in aviation.

    Carrington-event level of jamming is possible, in-flight.

    • Intelligence is “climbing the ladder efficiently”.

    • Wisdom is knowing when you’re climbing the wrong ladder, & figuring-out how to discover which ladder you’re supposed to be climbing.

    Would you remove competence-at-soccer tests for pro sports-teams?

    “Oh, James Windermere’s an excellent athlete to add to our soccer-club! Look at his triathelon ratings!”…

    … “but he doesn’t even understand soccer??”

    … “he doesn’t need to: we got rid of that requirement, because AI got better than humans, so we don’t need it anymore”.

    idiotic, right?

    It doesn’t matter if an AI is better than a human at a particular competency:

    if a kind-of-work requires that competency, then test the human for it.

  • I’d suspect neoprene not silicone, for door-seals of aircraft.

    the Dawn I’ve no problem with.

    The checking-fit with hotel-keycards I have one HELL of a problem with.

    It’s an aircraft: tolerances should be specified, and should be made to fit those tolerances.

    It’s umpteen tens-of-degrees below freezing outside, when you’re at cruising-altitude, so you’ve got a pressure-vessel ( the fuselage of the aircraft ), AND you’ve got a termperature-differential, AND you’ve got metal-fatigue ( or composite-aging/accumulating-cracks-in-its-reinforcement-fibers ), and tolerances are supposed to be engineered, not “oh, it seems to fit” bullshit.

    Anyone who cares about such things, please read some in-depth stuff on aviation crashes.

    There are youtube channels devoted to going through things, and I found out about a jetliner losing its tail because of 3 bolts that were the wrong steel, on one of those channels, but the written stuff packs more knowledge per hour of study…

    Jan Roskam, aircraft-designer, has one book on it, old, but important, subtitle is “The Devil Is In The Details”.

    The Lessons From The Sky series has info on near-accidents, and you’ll note they are more human-centered than the sometimes technical-as-hell items in Roskam’s book…

    When one discovers that a jetliner can kill everyone aboard, when it’s being used for short island hops ( Hawaii ), and that means it’s getting many more pressurization/depressurization cycles than the engineers intended, or that salt-spray in the air can corrode an airframe enough to cause catastrophic failure, or that a single failed cotter-pin can remove the controls from a homebuilt while in-flight ( another source )…

    “The Devil Is In The Details” is the most-true subtitle I’ve ever seen in any book.

    1. Prevent problems.
    2. Catch All Lapses.
    3. Discover problems you didn’t know to be proactively preventing.
    4. Prevent any discovered problem from ever EVER getting roots/legs to harm anyone else.

    seems saner to me, than the jackassery that Boeing has been doing, since McDonnell Douglass did a reverse-takeover from the inside, after their merger.

    Bottom-line “leads” the company, my ass: it’s sunk Boeing.

  • I find it is a systems-question, not a political-question,

    and I think the correct answer is to have a publically-owned portion of any market, be public/not-for-profit, as a means of enforcing honesty/integrity into that market.

    IOW, you don’t nationalize every damn thing, because institutional-mentality is every bit as evil as corporatism-psychopathy-machiavellianism, only different in style…

    ( anyone who isn’t understanding that … hasn’t tried living & working among it, either in Washington DC or in Canada’s Ottawa, or in whatever England’s equiv, the EU’s equiv, etc. )

    you instead make certain that a portion of the oil industry is national, a portion of the (whatever) industry is national, etc, and if there is huge discrepancy between the nationalized-portion & the private-portion, then you go in with criminal-investigators, after the C-suites of the corporations used to gaming the country’s economy.

    Putting 3 barracuda in the fish-farm-pen, in order to make all the survivors in the pen be fit is a related concept: same principle, different domain.

    You put some not-for-profit operation into the functionally-cartel-domains, & you use those “barracuda” to force integrity into those specific domains.

    Do it strategically, not just reactively ( comms, transport, energy, food, journalism, etc )