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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Then democratic controlled congress fought for several years to have them be released for no real reason except to force him.

    Yes, they did, and he kept refusing to do so, as was his right even if it made him look sus as fuck, especially since his excuse was the lie about being under audit. Only once he was under investigation for fucking fraud were his tax returns actually released, as evidence in the investigations.

  • To anyone that doesn’t believe in ghosts, which I assume is most people, it’s not really relevant? Like, obviously if there’s any “questionable” stains on the wall or something still I wouldn’t be on board, but as long as the house was properly renovated afterwards I don’t see an issue.

  • It’s still completely besides the point. Milk chocolate is it’s own food, you don’t taste the sugar or chocolate separately, it’s a homogeneous mixture. You don’t “like sugar more than chocolate”, you like Milk Chocolate more than you like Dark Chocolate. You probably(hopefully… r.i.p your teeth otherwise) also like Milk Chocolate more than you like pure sugar, so by the OPs logic that must mean you like chocolate more than you like sugar, at the same time as you like sugar more than chocolate. See the problem here?

    Btw, people do eat spoonfuls of honey which is probably 99.9% sugar.

    One, not a completely fair comparison because honey has it’s own distinctive flavor beyond just tasting like sugar. But also two, I’ve never known anyone to just eat multiple spoonfuls of honey by itself. Anecdotal, sure, but I don’t think it’s nearly as common as you seem to be implying it is