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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • Like I said, take it up with them. I’ve got no interest in getting to know every single gun owner and every one of their tedious, bullshit opinions and I’m definitely not going to be shamed into giving them a free pass until I’ve kissed every one of them on the mouth.

    Edit: I just noticed that the end of your comment genuinely asserts that “not being nice enough to gun owners caused Ulvade” and I think it’s important to tell you to go fuck yourself and don’t stop until you bleed out.

    The Ulvade shooter was a legal gun owner, in a state the pro-gun community claims a utopia. He had a history of death and rape threats but the pro-gun community staunchly opposed any kind of red flag laws. After the shooting, the pro-gun community was adamant that no laws should be changed, essentially saying “we were fine with this gun sale and we’ll be fine with the next”.

    All those words claiming “I’m not like other girls gun owners” and it turns out you’re exactly like them – a self absorbed, manipulative scumbag trying to pretend it’s part of some noble cause.

  • He actually sold out early in a much more obvious, objective way.

    Huffman and Ohanian sold Reddit to Condé Nast on October 31, 2006, for a reported $10 million to $20 million. Huffman remained with Reddit until 2009, when he left his role as acting CEO.

    That’s a tiny fraction of his current compensation. He then spent a while backpacking around and started a mediocre company that’s since closed down.

    He is neither a shrewd businessman, coding god, nor visionary genius. He’s just some guy that was in the right place at the right time.

    The same is true of practically every executive pocketing grotesque compensation, with the only difference being “the right place at the right time” is more often “in a rich woman’s womb” or “at an extremely expensive school”.

    He isn’t being paid $200 million a year for his talent. He’s being paid $200 million a year because instead of paying staff better wages, or not enshittifying the site, or paying moderators and content creators, he simply pocketed that money for himself.

    It’s what this neoliberal utopia always is. Executives stealing workers wealth and claiming they earned it for stealing so much wealth.

  • The best thing about his deeply fuckheaded comments is that it’s a perfect example of the sick way the ultra wealthy operate, presented in a way reddit users can absolutely understand.

    The act of building early reddit was a group effort. I have no idea how much Spez contributed to the concept, but he did code it – a task that realistically millions of people also would have been able to do.

    But a platform without users is nothing. It was the users creating content that truly built reddit and the unpaid moderators who stopped it collapsing under the weight of spam and extremism.

    While that was happening, spez shit the bed over and over again. He sold out too early. He openly advocated platforming extremists. He got called out for the bigotry he tolerated in his company. He alienated his most important users so he could sell their content to AI companies.

    And now here we are. He makes an absurd amount of money, despite being shit at his job, despite being a clearly bad person and despite his accomplishments being ordinary. Meanwhile, the people he needs, who are critical to his business, are paid nothing.

    This is the same setup as Amazon, Walmart, Uber and a million other businesses, distilled down to its very essence.

  • This isn’t normalisation, it’s celebration.

    I’m not going to be coy about why they’re celebrating him either: The pro-gun community spends hour after hour theorycrafting about how they can shoot people with their cool guns and get away with it. Kyle is being celebrated for finding a new “get out of jail free” technique that specifically targeted undesirables for murder.

    That’s all there is to it. They shower him with fame and money because he killed BLM protesters with America’s favourite gun. It’s his reward.

  • Yep. When someone inevitably looks through the voting history on these kinds of comments, I won’t be shocked if they find its 4 people and 50 sock puppets.

    I would be shocked if the gun lobby weren’t astroturfing though. They oppose red flag laws, take money from Russia and give tens of millions of dollars to the most revolting, far-right Republicans in the country. They’re hardly going to draw the line at lying on social media.

  • A decent chunk of gun owners would be willing to give up their weapons if it legitimately helped society substantially

    Those are not the views of the people who represent them, nor does it routinely turn up in dicussions about gun control.

    There’s also legitimate reasons to have a gun if you have a home in a high-crime area or are otherwise a target.

    If guns actually delivered on this promise, America wouldn’t have “high crime areas” in the first place. It would be the safest country in the world by a huge margin.

    Instead, the crime rate in the USA is functionally identical to other wealthy countries, only with a layer of gun violence on top that the rest of the world simply doesn’t have.

    Americas gun laws help far more criminals than they dissuade. Even in the rare cases where a criminal can’t just buy a gun from any store that sells them, “responsible gun owners” arm hundreds of thousands of criminals every year with their poorly secured firearms.

    Why would you lump those groups in with NRA lobbyists?

    If they don’t like being lumped in with lobbyists, reactionaries and idiots, they can take it up with them because I’m not going to include a 5 page “not all gun owners” disclaimer at the top of every post so that nobody gets their feelings hurt. This shit is killing people for fucks sake.

  • Anything that doesn’t suck the dick of the gun lobby. Easily that. Second place isn’t even close. Even just asking “how?” when they claim their guns are the solutions will get you downvoted. They’ll ask questions and then downvote you for answering.

    And of course, it’s only in threads on gun violence (when they’re doing damage control) or about marginalized groups (when they’re drumming up sales). Make the same comments under a post they haven’t thought to brigade and they won’t be even slightly unpopular.