• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • It really depends on where and when you’re charging.

    Electricity isn’t free. I have a PHEV and for me in my area gas becomes cheaper after about $1.80/gal (IIRC). Electricity is more expensive to go per mile if I charge during peak times (for us that’s 4p-8p) when the price jump 3x, from 11¢/kWh to 33¢kWh. So the vehicle is scheduled to not charge during that time.

    Diesel will offset that some since it’s more expensive than gas is and has been for years now. No one is going to pay a truck off in 2 years from savings. It’ll be faster, almost certainly. However, saying 2 years can’t be looking at the whole picture.

  • First lesson in business: Don’t mess with the fucking money.

    Anecdotal experience alert: I work with a guy that is one of the leading sales operators in my field. I’ve been in another somewhat related field for 20+ years but didn’t really have to work on my sales techniques. This guy is a genius in simplicity. His basic tip is screw all the MBA metrics. When you’re dealing with people you need to make connections. Camp out and get to know them, their family, and their likes/hobbies. The craziest sales always have the same thing in common, not talking about whatever you’re selling. People buy when they like you. That builds trust and confidence. That’s it. Super simple but it’s why my small branch is carrying the entire state at the moment. Whenever my sales guys call the first question we ask is, that’s cool but what did you learn about the customer? They’re starting to get what we mean and learning things about people and their sales and 5 star reviews have skyrocketed.

  • That is absolutely not the solution.

    Our main issue is that we don’t teach our children critical thinking. They’re taught to tests and end up retaining little. Critical thinking means they can teach themselves and end up learning much quicker and building upon foundations. We want a well rounded education and end up failing in that endeavor for most.