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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: December 7th, 2023


  • I don’t know what JC means, junior college? One thing that helped me figure out what to do with my life was to go through a printed (if you can still get one) college course catalog and look at every single degree program my local community college (same thing?) offered. There were career paths in there I had never considered until prompted, and some I’d never imagined. I was in my 40s, btw. So while you’re better off figuring it out now, it’s never too late.

  • After a race scandal involving the CEO at my job, we’ve all been taking DEI training. The latest one took months to complete. They aren’t one-off “be nice to each other” bs webinars. They’re deep dives into the history and origins of racism, from the feudal lords in Europe inventing indentured servitude and how that morphed into slavery, to redlining and how that impedes generational wealth.

    The only reasonable conclusion you can come to, if you honestly engage with the material, is that capitalism and its interests lie beneath all forms of discrimination and inequity. Corporations were all into DEIA when they thought it was good PR that made them look good to customers and improved staff morale. But then, the material starts giving those employees ideas. That’s what this recent push-back on DEIA is about.

  • My kid fell for this. They promise you’ll get paid while you learn. What they don’t tell you is that IF you manage to pass the entrance exam (he did) you get put on a list for open apprenticeship positions, waiting to be called in at any moment. While you’re on that list you don’t get paid. If you do get a spot, contracts only last a couple of months. Then you go back on the list. Rinse and repeat. And the longer you’ve been in the union the higher up you get placed on the list. So the older members get placed before the newer ones no matter what number they were in line. This “join a trade” push is similar to the charter school scam, siphoning up state and federal training funds without delivering results.