It took me using my friend’s bidet just once to convert. I ordered one that night, from BidetKing. Now I really hate using the toilet in public.
It took me using my friend’s bidet just once to convert. I ordered one that night, from BidetKing. Now I really hate using the toilet in public.
BioBidet BB-2000 is the only way to go.
There are so many levels of wrong to this that it’s hard to take it all in.
So the mom admits that she thinks they’re all pedos, but keeps posting anyway? There are a few different levels of depravity to that one element.
It’s not a popular take, but it seems pretty well established that pedophilia is a compulsive mental disorder. Nothing about that absolves them of their actions, but it gives us a base-line that they are all collectively sick in the literal sense.
“Mom”, if one could deign to label her such, is admitting that she is slinging images of her underage child to what amount to compulsive addicts. She’s exploiting her daughter’s innocence for profit, while feeding into the self-destructive compulsion of others, while simultaneously judging her customers with disgust and contempt.
She’s so much worse than a drug dealer. This is the worst kind of abuse and exploitation, and really makes you wonder just how much worse it really is behind closed doors for those “extras”?
The entire situation is just a circle-jerk of depravity.
It’s AI, cloud storage, and cellular internet. That’s a whole lot of microwave radiation and straight thermal radiation that didn’t exist ten years ago, and it’s growing fast. The additional heat build-up from our tech is outstripping our ability to compensate for it.