Some dingbat that occasionally builds neat stuff without breaking others. The person running this public-but-not-promoted instance because reasons.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 1st, 2023


  • The problem with looking at things from a percentage stance is it can mask a growing disparity in income.

    Try throwing these into a compounded interest calculator.

    30,000 @ 10% 100,000 @ 5% Compounded annually

    Now eventually the lower starting point surpasses the higher one, but it takes about 25 years of consistent gains of double the higher starting one. That’s all assuming zero contributions to the principal over time, but someone starting off with more likely also has more loose cash to put into an investment. This is where the often mentioned part of giving breaks to the wealthy does nothing because they just invest it where the poor spend it on needs comes in.

    Wages and investments aren’t a perfect match, but math is math. An interesting side note, if the higher starting pay where to put in $1000 / month which is way less than the difference between 100K and 30K per year, the end result is that they now have more than the lower starting one at the end of 50 years.

  • What charts like this ignore is that this can still have the highest end collecting far more in raw dollars off a smaller percentage. Someone making 30K gets a 10% raise it’s $3,000 but someone making 100K only has to get a 3% raise for the same raw value gain.

    I’m not sure what the percentiles of the sample here are but that could play a big role too. If there are 90 people making 30K and 10 people making 100K you have quite a skew in the field where you would end up with some portion of those lower paid workers in the top quintile.

    Unfortunately such charts get trotted out as policy making tools to say ‘no need for wage adjustment, look at how great they’re doing!’ and things go along as before.

  • You know, this is a pretty smart way to approach the political side of this tactically.

    Biden can’t say deschedule it outright without offending at least some borderline fence sitters and the elder crowd indoctrinated with the old propaganda that made it out to be among the most terrible things.

    By having the younger VP who wouldn’t really have direct authority to have it changed but is directly I’m the same circles, it gets the idea out there as a ‘very strong unofficial stance’.

    Next step, the ‘cool grandpa’ moment when Biden gets to make a gesture for the younger crowd by having it pulled from the schedules. Financially the feds have undoubtedly been eyeing the income (and lack of incarceration costs) brought into states with legal sales for a while and would like a piece of it too.

  • He had access to some public Minecraft server for a while and initially I was like “this is fine”, but it was like 5 days before he was telling people to kill themselves in the chat and yelling ethnic slurs into his headset… he’s 7.

    The battle is real, I’ve heard and seen things out of my kid the same age that left me speechless. Kids think that because it was on the screen or in their headset 100x that this must mean it’s ok, and with the number of people who just give it a pass by not paying the least attention…

    Formative years are no place for such anarchistic environments, particularly when they’re used as an unmonitored substitute for actual engagement.