Still a pretty funny line, though.
Still a pretty funny line, though.
Instagram isn’t for politics. It’s for wanting to see your friends but instead getting low-quality content irrelevant to your interests no matter how hard you try to train the “algorithm.”
Especially with the context that Australia didn’t allow women in pubs with men until 1965 so women there were literally sent to “ladies lounges,” which were apparently always some shitty side room, that sometimes would sell them a drink (at higher prices) while they waited.
Turning that on its head as a temporary exhibit at a museum is clearly art to me. It’s not like she did it as a business concept to make money.
I was in a bar in NYC once and the cast of a Broadway musical was having drinks to celebrate a birthday. So, I may have seen the best “Coworkers singing Happy Birthday to someone” performance in history.
If they had gone further with the coup, it would have been life ending for him. Sounds like he came out ahead.
It’s not the worst part of far right comedy but these motherfuckers have like 4 jokes and they’ve been the same for decades. There’s more variety in Deez Nutz jokes alone than in that entire fucking world.
Which human? This could be a really easy project if you pick the right dumbass.
I haven’t seen a single leftist say they’re going to vote for Trump but I’ve seen like 100,000 liberals saying enabling genocide isn’t a big issue and to vote blue no matter who. Maybe stop nagging leftists and start doing the bare fucking minimum to appeal to voters who don’t like actual fucking genocide.
What does China’s government even want the U.S. election result to be? Putin and Netanyahu obviously want Republicans to win. NATO countries (Hungary aside, I guess) presumably prefer Democrats over MAGA Republicans (which I guess is all of them now).
I’m not really clear on what China under Xi would want. There’s a massive trade relationship that goes well beyond TikTok, EVs, and Nvidia chips. America being dysfunctional and chaotic doesn’t actually benefit China.
Ugh. More car infrastructure with no bike lanes or pedestrian-friendly sidewalks. Have we learned nothing about urban planning?
Wait, is this !fuckcars@lemmy.world or another community?
20 kelvins. It’s “high temperature” but only compared to the usual 4 kelvins needed in previous designs. (This isn’t another sketchy “room temperature” superconductor claim where the media is going to go ape shit and then we’re all going to be disappointed in a few weeks.)
Trump calls someone a RINO like every 15 minutes, and he’s far right. What are you even talking about? You should probably go with uncommitted if you’re a single issue voter on whether people called you names for being a centrist.
Militaries, usually.
A nicer way to put that is that taxes are collected in national currencies. You can use any currency you want in private transactions but when the tax man comes calling, you better have the government’s preferred currency.
Also, what are cryptocurrencies backed by? Why do y’all exclusively call government money “fiat” when that just means it isn’t backed by a precious metal? Is there a Bitcoin Ft. Knox out there making it not a fiat currency?
Wow, a volatile currency backed by nothing has large swings in value and if you pick the right date range you can tell any story you want? That’s pretty amazing.
Fat Bear Week: The Game. I’d set it in all the different National Parks, though, each one requiring a different strategy to become the fattest bear. No salmon? Too bad. Better find another food source.