Stupid laggy internet
Or we could just use solar with none of those risks but still using the largest nuclear reaction around.
Community logo anyone?
You are asking the same question the somethingrotten forum users asked themselves when they came up with the answer of SRS (shitredditsays).
Designed to meta-criticise the users of reddit itself, it feeds itself as users submit their own, (curated), idea of what a shitty redditor is.
Let the snake eat itself
Scrum?.. soccer?.. Man, times have changed.
I mean, I was all, ok juicy work drama, juicy work drama. Then I got to the last sentence, I think that goes beyond work drama.
Fascinating, In your first link it mentions hundreds of years which is itself is a great improvement. But it also cautions of a lot of people’s fears.
“Nuclear engineer David Lochbaum cautions, “the problem with new reactors and accidents is twofold: scenarios arise that are impossible to plan for in simulations; and humans make mistakes”.[49] As one director of a U.S. research laboratory put it, “fabrication, construction, operation, and maintenance of new reactors will face a steep learning curve: advanced technologies will have a heightened risk of accidents and mistakes. The technology may be proven, but people are not”.”
Why is it the people who can’t even spell nuclear always forget about the waste.
Reddit was funded by Snoop Dogg and other multimillionaire investors. Don’t be blagged.
I’ll going to call you on that one. Surely gravity defines the surface of the lake, not local curvature.
Just so you know, that name is new and made up for purely tourist reasons.
At that moment they made clear upvoting hazy for people outside of reddit, I doubt it fixed it there but I have seen their anti-vote manipulation system in action since then that does impact “lazy” coders
It has changed since, in fact for me the watershed moment of change came when RES stopped being able to calculate upvotes/dv’s because there was no longer clear feedback that your vote counted.
No your point was, “is it still a thing, are people still buying into it.”
The answer is yes, very much so. Your opinion is irrelevant.
I’ll agree with that.
Bit has gone from 12k to 70k in the last year bro.
You’re just splurging lies at this point, reddit has always put plenty of effort towards vote manipulation. I dislike reddit but stop making stuff up just for votes.
Dodgily edited photos for a start lol. I’m closer than you are, let’s just leave it at that.
Seems like its cancer, sadly.