Gay | 30s | Trekkie | Canadian


Note: I only post memes I have saved, I don’t make them.

  • 56 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 22nd, 2023


  • Fucking horrible. Hopefully more care will be taken for the chutes but honestly those things are looked after pretty carefully and closely to begin with. This is just awful. Blame lies 100% with Israel. If they weren’t war criming it up around here and blocking all other paths of aid to the Gazan citizens then this shit wouldn’t have happened. A truck doesn’t fall on someones head randomly and that package was only dropped because BiBi is Goebbels 2.0. Frothing at the mouth with hatred, bile and bigotry in an attempt to wipe peoples off of the face of the planet in some idiotic bid for purity of the homeland.

  • Yep. Will never happen. It would require @Corgana, owner of, to stop letting @ValueSubtracted walk all over him. Corgana either simply doesn’t care, has gotten too deep and doesn’t want to deal with the fallout with Value, or simply has no spine. Everything could be changed but it revolves entirely around the behavior of Corgana and the decisions he will make. From everything that I’ve seen, he’s a really good person who has a really good head on his shoulders. I don’t know why he’s decided to throw his chips in with a manipulative narcissist like ValueSubtracted.

    Value has no power and, hilariously, zero value of his own. He does not contribute to the running of the site, he only contributes to posting. He has no involvement outside of reporting back to Corgana. Corgana, consequently, doesn’t really post anything himself. If Corgana is relying entirely on Value to make the content then he’s driving away all of the other people who want to engage because they would have to deal with the ineptitude, petty behavior, childish temper tantrums, abuse, lies, and manipulation of ValueSubtracted. However if he got rid of Value then the community would thrive under its own power because they wouldn’t have to deal with the sporadic emotional freakouts of Value.

    It would be funny if it wasn’t so utterly pathetic.

  • I never stated that you would ban me. I said you were on the same path with the same mindset. You react to opinion about your behavior as a moderator the exact same way that the mods of that other community does. No matter how much you want to pretend that it is, saying that someone doesn’t believe in your ability to be impartial isn’t aggressive. It is merely an opinion about your behavior and how you would be able to take criticism. Your immediate reaction of “Be more polite” is quite telling. Instead of questioning why and trying to take feedback and criticism as a mod should, you immediately became defensive.

    I do find it strange that you call out my opinion thinking you’re aggressive and a mod shouldn’t think that and also do the exact same thing yourself.

    Well, the difference here is that I merely voiced a basic opinion about your behavior as a moderator and you immediately reacted by effectively saying “Be nicer to me”. You actively insulted multiple people who were involved in the production and projected your opinion as fact. Those two do not equate.

    Nonetheless I’ve wasted enough time on this as it is. I’ve seen exactly what I needed to. A low resolution photocopy of /c/ More than enough to get me to pass. Heavily.

  • Communism is when society becomes so technologically advanced and so abundant in resources that the state withers away and currency is no longer needed.

    Okay, so not Star Trek then as there is explicitly a state. The Federation itself has its own mandates and laws but every individual planet is governed as well. The Federation is a Representative Republic that has an election every 4 years.

    Also, his wife said he was a Communist

    Actions speak louder than words and his actions blatantly demonstrate that he was not a communist.

    Roddenberry, fearing that he would not make money off of Trek, wrote lyrics to the song, without any intention of using them, to get half the royalties—money that should have gone to Courage. Courage was so furious that he never returned to work on Star Trek (Deezen). Roddenberry, unapologetic, continued to see more and more profits from the franchise, becoming very wealthy over the years. The irony is that Roddenberry identified as a communist, according to his wife Majel Barrett-Roddenberry (Bennett). One would expect someone who identified as a communist, a bold label to adopt during the Cold War, to go to greater lengths to avoid such a serious income gap between himself and his employees.


    Currency was even a thing during TOS, something that often gets ignored. Federation Credits. Credits which were used to entice bounty hunters to go after specific targets, to purchase highly unique items and used to pay for the training of crewmen. Kirk bitches about how much it costs to train Spock at one point. Kirk even gave Scotty ‘a weeks bonus pay’ for getting the phasers up and running when dealing with the Doomsday machine. Think all that ended in TOS? Well, no. Federation Credits were still used constantly in TNG. The Barzans and their wormhole. The Federation was willing to cough up over a million credits then and there plus another 100k every year after that to get rights to the wormhole. More examples on top of that that are not exactly difficult to find.

    Nothing about Trek is ‘communist’ and it’s often wildly misunderstood to be so. Very little about Gene was communist other than a claim from his wife after the man had died. And something that he never really demonstrated at any point in his life.

  • Funny. You’d be asked the same in my community. You are incredibly hostile and aggressive with your opinions. I don’t trust that in a moderator. It exists enough over on

    But if I needed any proof at all that you are identical to the mods over there it’s you thinking that an opinion on your moderation style is “aggressiveness”. Funny how that’s exactly the type of stuff that their mods remove people over. Have an opinion on our mod style? Get silenced by being banned from the instance or from the community. You are already walking down that path by thinking “An opinion on my behavior as a moderator is aggressive and must be reigned in” isn’t trustworthy.