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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 22nd, 2024


  • I wondered why some of these men say these nonsensical and mysoginistic things despite being popular and pretty good looking. Were they not taught to respect women? Then there is the answer: they weren’t. It dawned on me that not everyone were taught the same as I was-- to not give in to insecurities and that you don’t have to prove anything to anyone. Of course, it’s recommended to improve one’s self, but if the end goal is transactional and expect reward rather than doing things because it’s the right thing, then boy you will just lead yourself to a downward spiral of disappointment and cynicism. I’ve seen this on a few people close to me trying to prove themselves to anyone who don’t necessarily care about them. I have a mate to bought an expensive but ugly pair of Gucci shoes to impress a rich girl who strings him along, rather than court someone who will accept him for who he is. We’re trying to impress people we don’t like and don’t like us, instead of building meaningful relationship with people who will accept you.

    You’re being mocked for not conforming to masculine stereotype? Fuck them. If they are truly your friends, they should accept you for who you are. Find a new group of people who are like-minded and open minded.

  • More dynamism, people could give better ideas and less corruption than in more authoritarian countries. In authoritarian countries, everyone is relying on one person. What if that person is incompetent or dies?

    I just want to point out that imperialism is not exclusive to democracy. There are absolute monarchies and dictatorships that are imperialistic. Maybe your criticism of democracy as being imperialistic is more about capitalism and drive for exploitation and profit, not at democracy?

  • Some countries do not have a culture of democracy. It is partly because of legacy of colonialism destroying the social cohesion of many pre-colonial societies. Some former colonial countries that managed to become democratic and prosperous have strong cohesion from the grassroots. So they are able hold each other accountable. Meanwhile, countries that are less democratic have been more accustomed to top-down rule.

  • I used to scoff at people being pessimistic that society is getting worse. But all the material security and safety is mitigated as climate change is getting worse and scientists are not optimistic about the prospects. And the phenomenon is inducing loss of biodiversity and food and migration which causes social tensions. I agree that the current society is much better off than the previous generations but I’m afraid we can’t say the same about the future ones.

  • I don’t know about other countries, but the on and off lockdowns in some countries proved to be ineffective. Many experts said it’s better to do lockdown in one go than it being staggered and having different levels of restrictions. But on the one hand, the totalitarian zero-COVID restriction like had happened in China is just as ineffictive.