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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 30th, 2023


  • I’ll answer it by pointing out that you’re building a straw man. I would call you a goat fellating syphilis factory but I’m pretty sure that both goats and syphilis would hate to be inside you.

    There is a clear difference between putting yourself in a situation by crossing state lines over some shit that has nothing to do with you and having to live with an abuser. She has to go home to a person. He could have stayed his ass home knowing what was happening and would have been just fucking fine. He was looking to kill, she’s trying to live. If she’s making a living on it, it’s making a living on surviving, not going to look for trouble. But you can’t see that, you slimy donkey fucking inbred.

    I get that people like you argue in bad faith. I really don’t care and this response isn’t for you. In fact I’m blocking you after I make this because I have no interest in listening to a sniveling shit pile try to lawyer his way into making crossing state lines hoping to kill someone ok. I’m writing this so anyone confused about what kind of person you are can read and see that you’re looking to find a way to kill.

    Go fuck yourself instead of forcing yourself on your sister-cousin again. I hope that last brain cell you’re clinging to falls out and knocks out that last tooth that’s holding on by a thread on its way out.

  • I have the same issue. If you don’t look exactly like I expect and you’re in the same place I expect then I can’t really place you. I can see friends at the grocery store and have no idea who they are.

    A friend of mine cut off her hair and dyed it. I saw her out and she said hello. We talked for a minute and I had no idea who the hell she was, so I politely excused myself thinking it was just someone I had met once or some drunk person striking up a conversation. Later that night I texted her and asked where she was. She walked up to me and asked what I needed. That’s the only way I put it together.

    I have never told her this.

  • I’m commenting too much in these replies because I remember too much, but I’m going to share one last anecdote. For a while I had a case with a bolted on handle to bring to LAN parties. Then I read in a magazine where people were building computers into hard shell backpacks to take back and forth and that changed the game. If I had to guess that was 98 or 99.

    Those things were super expensive at the time. I took a seasonal second job to buy one and mount my system in it. The cooling was garbage but I sure thought I looked cool dragging it to LAN parties.

    In 2004ish I set up a dial up server so my dad and I could play Battle for Wesnoth. We lived across the country from each other and neither of us had reliable broadband available. However, he had free long distance calling so it was (and remains) a way to keep in touch and hang out without actually having to talk to each other because we’re both terrible at that.

  • I knew a family like this. They had like 5 generations living in one house plus a trailer out back. They were thrilled when my classmate got pregnant as a young teen.

    So baby, plus 13-14 year old classmate and her younger sister, plus her mom and dad in their late 20s, plus early 40s Grandma, plus great grandma. Other than dad it was a string of guys dating my classmate, grandma, and great grandma also living there on and off.

    I don’t know this for a fact, but I heard that my classmate’s great great grandma was also alive at the time. So the baby’s great great great grandma.

    I didn’t think there was any inbreeding going on like in this story though. At least that rumor never surfaced.

  • Let’s pretend you knew that Greg Abbott’s personal email was greg.no.leg@assholes.com (it’s not as far as I know). You send him an official looking email from IT@texas.state.support.net (or whatever domain you’re willing to register, it just has to look relatively legit) telling him that his computer has been compromised by porn companies and that he needs to install a “cleaner” along with a link. He clicks the link and downloads something called “Cleaner.exe”. When he runs it, the program hoovers up all of his browsing history on that system and emails it back to you along with a snapshot of his emails or some other identifying information proving it’s him.

    You could also install a keylogger that way and get into whatever he’s allowed in. In addition you could install a remote client, connect to it while he’s not using it, and gain access to any system he has access to.

    Even better, you don’t necessarily have to do it to him. He has an administrative assistant, there are other office folks, and if he takes his computer home you could even get his wife or daughter (if she still lives at home, I really don’t know) and grab his data that way. It only takes one person.

    You may also be able to get information from his family’s Facebook pages to better phish them.

    Obviously I’ve left a few things out that make it seem more legit and given fake addresses, but with a few logical leaps someone could do that to all the top folks in Texas. It happens to companies all the time. There was an oil company where the CEO regularly got phished. So everyone in the company had to take extra training, except he exempted himself because his time was worth too much. Someone in the IT department leaked who was the cause of all the extra training. There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth. That company is no longer in business.

  • I’ve heard, but cannot confirm currently, that some smart TVs are connecting to other smart TVs in nearby houses and apartments creating an ad hoc mesh network and sending user data.

    I honestly don’t know if it’s bullshit or not, but the guy you’re replying to has probably heard the same thing. I wouldn’t put it past TV makers.