How can I get some of that endless sects?
How can I get some of that endless sects?
If he has it then there are a few judgments awaiting payment, time to start collecting.
Looks more like a sequel based on the daughter of Lydia. Which is interesting but looks really like it might be the same movie.
Or controlled for standing desks
Why cant he just pull up his bootstraps and get a job?
Porn wins elections, the blue need to quickly get some ads running in Texas saying they won’t ban porn.
Are you near a wildfire prone area? Could come in handy if you are.
This wasn’t already the case? Shocking.
USA companies don’t give a shit about antitrust anymore. Look at Amazon and Apple, the only places they get bit for their behavior are the European countries.
What’s the drill for? Adding pressure relief holes?
I prefer the movie Hobo with a shotgun.
Makes sense, I wouldn’t endorse anyone who wanted to murder me either.
We can’t be that lucky, this is some tactic to fuck over the people again.
No you need human horn for that.
USA landlords own the building so they get to say who your provider is and they will sometimes partner with a specific ISP and that is the only one you are allowed to use.
Well that’s one less that can’t vote for him.
I’m a fan of his brother Tom
Bet I can guess the script. Sandler has been trying to get his kids into the business just look at Leo he had his whole damn family as cast.
So Happy Gilmore 2 will be Adam/Happy as the old wise man teaching his daughter that is really good at Hockey to play golf like he does but she doesn’t want to because golf is lame. But during a heartfelt moment she realizes golf is actually cool and she goes on to kick Drew Carey’s ass in a tournament. Where she will use the updated catchphrase “The Price is Wrong Drew!”