I tried Funkwhale a long time ago. Docker support was horrible, and I had to CLi to import média.
Anybody knows if this is still the case ?
French, speaking English and Spanish.
I tried Funkwhale a long time ago. Docker support was horrible, and I had to CLi to import média.
Anybody knows if this is still the case ?
And I’m absolutely fine with it.
This is indeed a community based on sarcasm, second-degree humor and self-mockery. I understand that it’s not for everyone.
I’m astonished at how people can take futile things so seriously though.
Jeez, why can’t people just take things lightly and have a good laugh.
Jeez, why can’t people just take things lightly and have a good laugh.
Begone, brittle bones. Keep drinking melk, so that you don’t shatter next time you try something your body can’t overcome.
We don’t have to have the same humour, that’s ok
Say that to the bus that hit me a few years back
ᕦʕ •ᴥ•ʔᕤ
Someone is insecure about the strength of his bones…
You didn’t read my post well enough, bot…
Apparently you’ve never met one of us before ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
Thanks for the feedback