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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • No NDA and no problem!

    When I last used Overdrive, it was a fresh installation, but the system itself had been around for a few years. The UI was uncooperative, making changes required going into a script instead of just a quick fix in the on-air playlist or changing a few lines of typed coding (like with ELC and Ignite respectively). The program itself was crazy unstable… look, crashes happen with any computer program or system, but this was a daily occurrence (sometimes twice in an hour long show) which is completely unacceptable. Finally, compared to Sony and GrassValley, building new codes was a trial that often required access to the video switcher itself instead of just handling things through the code editor program.

    While I haven’t worked on an Overdrive system in years, one or our competitor stations in town just got one; they’ve been having a hell of a time with it and it shows on-air. Been working in broadcasting for almost twenty years and I’ve launched all three automation systems at one time or another. With Grassvalley and Sony’s automation there’s seldom a problem at launch… Ross seems to always be a beast that needs to get wrangled. I seriously want to go to that competitor and help them (also, their studio is lit for shit and I want to fix that as well).

  • I’m a television technical director and Ross Overdrive is hell on wheels… it’s a video production system mostly used by local television stations to consolodate “automate” their control rooms down to one person. There’s three major companies that build systems like this: Sony, GrassValley, and Ross. In my experience GrassValley’s Ignite is pretty good, it’s stable and gets the job done. Sony’s ELC is best, going above and beyond what I need it to do (plus their customer service and tech people are just awesome). Hands down, Ross Overdrive is a pile of garbage. Their physical video switchers are really great (super intuitive and built to last), but the Overdrive automation system itself is just a clunky and uncooperative UI. I’ve had such a bad experience with their system I’ve turned down jobs when the place uses Ross Overdrive. Ross’s Xpression graphics system (or “Chyron”) is also a hot mess. I’ve heard that if you’re using all Ross stuff (video switchers, graphics system, video servers, robotics, etc) it runs smoothly and that may be true, but Christ-on-a-pogo-stick have I had nothing but trouble with their software.