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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2023


  • Someone let me know if the article has any value beyond what is already heavily studied and known — that the profit motive and racketeering between all middlemen (insurers, big pharma, banking/finance sector, and health care providers) is a calculated effort to dramatically inflate the profits of each at the expense of the most vulnerable. Insurers don’t make money by paying claims. They make money deny them, so do everything in their power to deny as many claims as possible.

  • That really depends on whether the bomb making part is specific to bombs, and if their purchase of that item could be considered legitimately suspicious. Many over the counter products have the potential to be turned into bombs with enough time or effort.

    If a murderer uses a hammer, do you think the hardware store they purchased the hammer from should be liable?

    You can make crude chemical weapons by mixing bleach with other household items. Should the supermarket be liable for people who use their products in ways they never intended?

  • Of course not.

    Wage rates remain insufficient for individuals and families working to make ends meet. Nowhere can a worker at the 10th percentile of the wage distribution earn enough to meet a basic family budget.

    Inflation is reported relative to annual, and compounded over the last 4 years equals roughly 20% — meaning those lower wage workers are still 8% worse off. That’s only if you believe inflation figures are accurate, too. I do not because the cheapest items at my grocery store are still 50+% up from what they were 4 years ago; most governments do not include big ticket items either (where the majority of expenses go) and continuously alter how they report statistics — it’s all a deceptive smoke and mirrors game designed to make it look like the political and economic system isn’t failing; that “the economy” and “the people” are better off today than they were last decade.

  • This is basically the crux why capitalism is inherently unfair, anti-democratic, and does not distribute wealth based on value in any way shape or form.

    This tool is only paid such a figure because he was a member of the founding group, and continued to hold on for 15+ years. He may have been pivotal to their success, or he may have been an idiot that held them back for 15 years. Either way, after the initial x number of years, and y number of employees get involved, whatever value he provided is gradually diluted by the pool of employees. In the case of Reddit this effect is multiplied, as the mods and users have generated 99% of the sites value for the majority of its existence. They could have added zero features for the last decade; just focused on engineering problems to do with scaling, and the site would’ve prospered.

    None of this matters to capitalism, as it distributes wealth (value) based on a range of convoluted claims to contracts and ownership, designed to overwhelmingly bias pre-existing capital; people who were born first, the luckiest, whose ancestors were the most cutthroat and ruthless (e.g. monarchs, lords, landowners, the church). It doesn’t have anything to do with actual value to society, or even within a specific business.

  • Growth of new manufacturing for things such as heat pumps and electric vehicles, spurred in part by the Inflation Reduction Act’s climate-change-mitigating provisions, has boosted plans to build power plants to burn methane, a fossil fuel also known as natural gas, or to delay closing coal plants.

    This has always been THE catch-22 facing humanity, and people still don’t understand it. The amount of energy and raw minerals (mining) needed to transition away from fossil fuels at this point is so large, we’ll blow well past 2c just building an initial “stage 1” renewable/carbon neutral energy grid. Some studies indicate all known reserves of critical resources (e.g. copper, cobalt) aren’t enough to even complete stage 1.


  • Jail time? Tell me you’re American without telling me you’re American… I happen to be one of the dozens of people who do not live in the US, so my state and local elections are at the same time, and federal is usually in between. They group them together because efficiency. Pretty sure the penalty in every developed economy is a small fine equivalent to a parking ticket. I don’t know exactly, because I’ve been postal voting for a decade due to my debilitating case of “religious reasons”, so I get my ballot in the mail a week in advance, and If I didn’t want to vote I’d just mail it back empty (free fyi). I also voted from my phone at a foreign airport one time. Pretty sure I’ve missed one too, and know several people in their 40’s and 50’s who’ve never enrolled, never voted, and never been fined. Turns out “mandatory” is pretty loose when you aren’t living in a dictatorship.

    The argument FOR mandatory voting is to encourage political parties to reach out and engage all adults (e.g. “we the people”), instead of focusing their policies, campaigning, and financing on specific subsets of the population, or specific geographies (e.g. electoral college), or engage in other methods like voter disenfranchisement, etc, etc — basically to mitigate against the USA’s brand of bastardized anti-democracy, and authoritarianism, from happening.

  • A short, heavily-edited video, with every “militant” blurred, and only showing blurred dead guys with guns is not evidence.

    Raw footage or GTFO. This is actually worse than zero evidence, as it could be completely manufactured fake news.

    If their statements were true, they should have no issue releasing the complete and unedited body cam footage, from entry to exit — at the very least, screening it to reputable independent journalists and the ICC.